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  • Do you already run influencer marketing campaigns? How do you get in touch with influencers?

    Olatz Urrutia
    13 replies
    Like so many things in the business world, contacting influencers can seem intimidating. After all, we're asking a complete stranger to help us with a business opportunity and it can affect both their reputation and ours as a brand. I'd love to know if any of you are actively running campaigns or want to get started and how you handle it. For my part, I put together this template to help you know how to reach out to influencers with confidence and wanted to offer you this free, no-obligation resource in case it helps: https://www.moonio.io/resources/influencer-marketing-email-templates I look forward to chatting with some of you about this :)


    Sule Gorgulu
    This resource is great, Olatz! Thank you for sharing!
    Olatz Urrutia
    @sule_gorgulu Thank you very much for the feedback Sule! We get a lot of people asking us for advice on this as the process can be frustrating (low response rate, not knowing what to say and offer) so we just want to make it a little easier for people.
    Kate Santoro
    Jumping in as another Maker here just to say I hope people find this resource useful, and we're open to feedback too if anyone has something to share. 😊 In my personal experience outreach can be very frustrating. As part of the marketing team at Moonio, I have worked on influencer marketing campaigns for the brand, and there are various things that can eat away at your time: finding the right influencers, deciding what to say, actually sending the emails, waiting for replies, negotiating fees, etc. Then add on top of that all the other tasks we have to do in the day-to-day. To save ourselves (and hopefully you!) a bit of time Olatz and I worked with our customer success team (who also has experience running campaigns) to define some templates that have proven useful in the past. Hope you enjoy them!
    Olatz Urrutia
    @kate_santoro1 100% Kate! Hats off to you for all the research work you've done and the incredible result!
    Aiden Ross Albright
    Downloaded! Thank you very much for the info, very interesting. We are opening this channel in our company and I think this type of content is very useful for us since we don't have much experience at the moment....
    Olatz Urrutia
    @aiden_ross_albright Thank you so much Aiden! How interesting that you are embarking on the world of influencer marketing, good luck! Of course don't hesitate to contact me in case I can help you with anything. I leave you here our blog where we usually talk about influencer marketing and tricks or things to know in case it's useful for you: https://blog.moonio.io/ Anyway you can find me on LinkedIn and get in touch if you need to :)
    There are a few ways to do it: Reach out to them directly through social media or email Use influencer marketing platforms to connect with influencers Attend industry events and networking opportunities to meet influencers in person It's all about building relationships, so don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box. But don't forget that influencer marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution, it's important to choose the right influencer for your brand and target audience.
    Olatz Urrutia
    @moon10 100% agree with you. Have you launched any influencer marketing campaigns? Let me know about your experience if so :)
    @olatz_urrutia Not yet! But in future i will.
    Olatz Urrutia
    @moon10 Awesome! Let me know if I can help you with anything :)
    Amanda Serman
    Super useful resource! Thank you, if possible I would like to connect with you on LinkedIn. I would like to know more about influencer marketing.
    Olatz Urrutia
    @amanda_serman Of course, in my Product Hunt profile you have both the networks of Moonio (the company I work for which is an influencer marketing platform) and my personal LinkedIn. Let's talk!