Do we need a hunter to make the product launch successful?

Sherry L
7 replies
Most product launchers here have 100% success rate if you have a hunter that have hunted? Correct me if i'm wrong! Also any tips on how to get hunted?


Daniel Zaitzow
I am going to steer away frankly - I might use one with a big platform but it feels a little risky - many seem to want some sort of consulting compensation which feels super grey to me.
Sherry L
@dzaitzow oh interesting! Didn't know it had that connotation, thanks for the insight!
Daniel Zaitzow
@shezzy04 it doesn’t always - just what I’ve found outside of the PH ecosystem.
Neel Patel
I am not sure if it's absolutely required. Unless the hunter also helps more in amplifying your product further or support you in preparing for launch.
Sherry L
@neelptl2602 Makes perfect sense to have someone amplifying the product, the question is how to find that person? :)
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
I don't know if it good idea or not, but that's just how it is - I'm going to launch self-hunted and with only myself as a maker :)
Sherry L
@rimash hahaha should channel your spirit and do that also! Self-hunt :)