Do all of you work 50+ hours? (products)

Saw lot of people working around 50-60hrs a weekm Some are PMs. But every product team are always busy. Personally, i work around 45-50hrs a week. How do you do that? how do you rest? lol


Business Marketing with Nika
I would say I work more :D but many things I do are my own initiative so it sometimes feels like doing hobbies that "waste my time" :D
Yes, I work well over 50 hours a week. I don't have many social media accounts to spend my time on, and I work alone, so I don't have any disturbances. When it's time to rest, I spend it on checking my emails, YouTube, and Product Hunt.
Jake Tital
More especially on launch days like today. Go Rafa!
Wyatt Feaster
Between the day job and my own projects easily 50-60 hours a week.
Gurkaran Singh
It's impressive to see the hustle in the product development space! Balancing work and rest is crucial for productivity. Finding that sweet spot between dedication and self-care can be tricky but essential. Remember, even the best products need well-rested minds behind them!
i didn't want to do 9-5 so now I do 24/7 - the story of every entrepreneur.