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  • Discovery!!! - How do you discover improvements or new features for your product?

    Rishit Chaturvedi
    2 replies
    What are the various methodolgies you use to discover new areas of work and improvements for your product? How do you validate the severity of the problem and if it is solving an important problem? How do you measure success? How do you go about choosing to discover and take time vs building to validate a hypothesis quicker?


    Helen Fedulova
    Reflecting on customers' feedback and a good market research never fails :)
    Nicole Landgraff
    @rishit_chaturvedi We have three ways that new ideas/features come into play where we put a lot emphasis on the third one: 1. Strategic decisions now hat to build from management 2. Feedback from internal stakeholder and users 3. In user interviews focusing on uncovering opportunities and pain points that are added to an Opportunity Solution Tree. Validation We normally consider three things: 1. How important is this issue to users? 2. How urgently does the user want a solution for this? 3. Where in the user journey does this problem occur? Generally speaking, the earlier on in the journey the more pressing it is to solve. Again the Opportunity Solution Tree really helps here Measure of success One of the big perks when working with continuous discovery is that you start with a goal at the top of your tree, forcing you to thing about how to measure what you are building against your main KPI. Discovery vs Do This depends on what we are building. One very simplified answer is, the more abstract the thing you are working on is the more time should be spent of hashing out the details and figuring out whether it is even worth pursuing.