Did you have a YouTube channel for your start up and what kind of content do you share on it?
Sage Will
5 replies
Fabian Maume@fabian_maume
Warmup Inbox
We have a channel for QApop. We are mainly using it for tutorials and new feature announcements as it is far more convenient than writing long blog posts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/...
Mail Mint
The initial videos are mostly tutorials on using the tool if it is a software. But you can also post educational videos relevant to the use of your software or service.
We haven't launched yet but we're hoping to be quite extensive on YT with a mix of Live shows and VoDs. We'll also be looking to use the channel to showcase content created by our users.
As already pointed out it'll also be our place for How-To Videos.
Curious about the questions - what are you looking to find out 😀?
Not currently, but planning to start from tomorrow. What a coincidence!
I have to host my how-to videos somewhere.