Did AI Disrupt your plans for Q2 2023?
17 replies
It definitely did for most of us - how did AI Impact your Q2 2023?
Bjarn Bronsveld@bjarnbronsveld
Definitely not, only gave me more possibilities 🔥
Yes, but the interruption has been to begin to investigate the full scope that it will have in the medium term and how to take advantage of the learning! 🚀🚀🚀
Yes, we have to move faster to keep up with the current rate of change in the market. We knew certain changes were coming (virtual agents, better LLMs, etc), but it has become clear recently that it is time to adopt these into our existing product now rather than later.
AI technology is constantly evolving and improving, and it has the potential to revolutionize everything from healthcare and transportation to finance and entertainment.
Nope. Rocketfuel.
Skinive AI: Skin Scanner, health checkup
Rather the opposite. The AI has only approved future plans that they are on the right track.
I think it could have generated more unique ways and ideas for many people/founders.
Totally. We are looking for a way to adapt the tech to our product.
I believe it has shortened the new plan's timeline. We now have more time for R&D.
Recapit News
Not at all. In fact, it has boosted them, quicker output, faster building, faster everything. Very excited.
Riding the front of the tech wave is always dangerous, as emerging tech might drown your own, but here for the long run. High risk, high reward