Developers: What is your stack for 2023?

Laurie Hérault
6 replies
If you were to start a new project from scratch this year. What frameworks, tools, libraries and services would you use?


M Ma'Kama
Laravel, Vue, Inertia or Livewire, PostgreSQL database. I think this is one of the cleanest stacks to build web applications we have today.
RAkshiT ShaH
Hybrid stack with security 💪 Angular for frontend, Java for backend, MySQL and/or firebase for database layer 🤩
Artem Kirsanov and Figma , keep it simple and efficient as much as possible
Ágh Helmut
Laravel and Vue.js I guess it's one of the fastest ways to set up an MVP. Later the stack can be changed if there are very specific needs.
Kevin Xu
AWS, React for our website, React Native for our app