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  • Design vs. Functionality:

    Nitesh Jamod
    7 replies
    How do you balance aesthetics with usability in product development?


    This is something we’ve seen many times… it really depends on the target audience. For example: Photoshop. Photoshop is (in my opinion) one of the most complicated learning curves of any platform. This is why so many “smaller” apps have come out to compete with Photoshop, because it’s overkill for the everyday person who just wants to add a filter or remove an object. I recommend building it so it works, mapping out all the features, and getting a few (5-10) beta testers you can sit next to and see how they use your product (do not guide them AT ALL), and then do a redesign around the feedback. Remember, It’ll never be “perfect”.
    Angela Ni
    I would say when there are actual needs and pain points, the aesthetic can be add ons but definitely not a determinator. But having a good user experience is the baseline of any successful product as it keeps user coming back.
    Asher Dorian Thorne
    I think it depends on the product. If it's solving a real pain point and providing value, people will put up with a less polished UX. But in general, good design and UX are table stakes these days to keep users engaged. Functionality is the foundation but aesthetics and UX can be the difference between a good product and a great one that users love coming back to. Just my 2 cents!
    Lydia Patch
    I think we should keep the design simple and intuitive. Avoid clutter and unnecessary elements that can hinder usability. Use clear visual hierarchy, intuitive navigation, and minimalistic design principles to enhance user experience.
    Sıla Barışık
    Aicado's GPT: Customize, Train, Embed
    They're like siblings. You know, the first bite is with the eye, then the taste comes! A great design draws users in, but usability keeps them, so refine the aesthetics without sacrificing functionality.
    Kaushik Mukherjee
    Percept Pixel
    Percept Pixel
    Launching soon!
    Functional design FTW. I have seen some designers create the most visually appealing designs but they are sometimes blind to the utility side of things. If you know what I mean. Aesthetic design that is functional is the way to go IMO
    Kevin Martinez
    Design and functionality go hand in hand IMO. A painfully designed product, even if feature-rich, will turn off users and hurt retention. But an elegant design alone isn't enough - it needs to solve real problems. Gotta nail both to keep ppl coming back for more!