Describe your 2022 in a sentence

Tanya Kapoor
84 replies


Tahjia Chapman
An eye-opening revamp.
Karan Soni
A roller coaster that took me though each and everything possible!
Adham Dannaway
Busy but rewarding 👍
Huy Ngo
Go with the flow, and now i have to speed up 100 times.
Rahelita Luki
walking in an unfamiliar road. you never know who you will meet, what you will get, and how far you have been walking.
Tony Costello
Boring exciting equal equal😋
It was an exhilarating experience where unforeseen negatives were transformed into positive results, ultimately directing the course of events.
Manas Sharma
Exploring new places. I travelled to 5 new countries this year, tried the local cuisine and spent time learning about new cultures.
Anoir Houmou
A journey with many obstacles along the way.
Awee Gee
Grateful for this year! Taught me a great lesson!
War with russia...
Shefali Lohia
Upheaval and evolution.
Mathusan Selvarajah
Self improvement lever on full throttle.
2022 was very mental!
Singh seema
आनंद और सीखने के बारे में नए विचारों की दुनिया
tanzeela riaz
Learn to live alone 😃