DE-TALKS is getting a new BIG UPDATE!!!

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Despite being user less de-talks is getting its biggest update yet and so de-talks is giving the first 1000 users to join perks as a way of saying thanx for the support that will never be given after this huge update. The perks include but not limited to: -Having an animated profile pic. -Getting the user tag "PRIMODIAL USER" or "ADAM" or any preferred tag. -Messages sent will be highlighted in purple. Information on the update: -Users will get tags next to their username describing what kind of a user they are e.g. (users with the most likes get the tag "wise-one", users most active will get the tag "Socialite" and users that get kicked out of multiple rooms get the tag "Troll/Cast-away") etc... -User profile will now have a profile picture -Users can now like a message and depending on the number of likes the message will change in color {Grey->0 to 2, Green 3 to 6, Gold more than 6 likes} the most liked message will sit at the top of the chatroom to set the tone for the chat room. -Video and image sharing will now be available for each chat room -Users will now have the ability to invite at least one friend in each group chat -More categories will be available to choose from. -User will have the option to follow other users this will increase the likely hood of joining chat rooms that the user you followed will create. -Users will get the option to kick another user out of the chatroom if they are being toxic. AND MUCH MORE
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