Dark or Light mode ๐Ÿค”

Samir Rashed
60 replies
Do you prefer using dark or light mode usually?! share your thoughts


Adam ล˜รญha
Both and change automatically according to time.
Samir Rashed
@adamriha Alright. Thank you for sharing
Samir Rashed
In Premast Plus, we added dark mode because we know many people prefer it. Create a free account now ๐Ÿคโœจ and enjoy both dark and light modes https://plus.premast.com/ Thank you ๐Ÿคฉ
flo merian
@samir_soliman Love it ๐Ÿ’œ Out of curiosity -- Whatโ€™s the most challenging part of implementing dark mode from your point of view?
Samir Rashed
@fmerian I think maintaining the UIX
Dark, my mobile in dark, to read clearly.
Samir Rashed
@mariadpdc Yep, thank you for sharing your thoughts
Julia Zakharova
Light ๐Ÿ’ก! Only in instagram use dark style ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป
Samir Rashed
@julia_zakharova2 sometimes I do the same thing. Thanks for sharing
It depends on the app/software and it's UI really. For example, in the app I created (Zoom In) you can change Google Maps theme to dark but I personally think the light mode looks better for the map.
Samir Rashed
@zoom_in Thank you for sharing your thoughts
Rich Watson
dark always. we asked a few stock/crypto traders in our Discord about the theme of their charts. 100% of 14 users said dark.
Samir Rashed
@richw This is awesome. Thank you
flo merian
@samir_soliman Hey Samir, great topic! I'm on the Dark side, too ๐ŸŒ‘ I enjoy this quote from @ifbirdsfly (Superhuman): > โ€œWhen done well, dark themes have many benefits. They reduce eyestrain. They are easier to read in low light. And, depending on the screen, they can greatly reduce battery consumption.โ€ P.S. Would love your contribution to this related topic ๐Ÿ™Œ
Samir Rashed
@ifbirdsfly @fmerian Looks Great. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Muhammad Ali
I feel I can focus more clearly in light mode
Samir Rashed
@dev_concerns For me the same in the morning. Thank you
Andrew C.
most are dark mode people... but i am a light mode person
Sophia Watt
Dark mode because it is comforting.
Samir Rashed
@sophia_watt Alright, Thank you for sharing
Andrea Todorova
Both, I like when it switches automatically. Light mode for the mornings ๐Ÿ”† and dark for the nights. ๐ŸŒ™ I'm also surprised to see how many people prefer dark mode over light!
Samir Rashed
@andrea_todorova1 Yep, I do the same thing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Philipp Ollmann
Both! During daytime I prefer light mode but at night I am going with dark mode. If I had to choose ... ๐ŸŒš
Ibรกn Rรญos
I always use Light mode but we added dark mode in our chatbots for those who may prefer it for different reasons.
Samir Rashed
@iban_rios Alright, thanks for sharing your thoughts
Launching soon!
For my eyes, I prefer white light mode. I have been using it for a long time and have become accustomed to it.
Samir Rashed
@qudsia_ali As I do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
For me like - light But as for me, it doesnโ€™t matter how it relates to the product and it doesnโ€™t matter which one - the main thing is that the interface is user-friendly. I donโ€™t understand why they want 2 themes in the application a lot, because it doesnโ€™t play any role
Samir Rashed
@sater_malaniy Thank you for sharing your thoughts