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  • Dark mode VS Light mode

    Tanmay M
    7 replies
    Recently I created Flip Clock - A minimal digital clock. From the very first day of creation, I was really confused about adding light mode. But finally, I did it and it turns out to be the best decision. What do you think? Do you prefer Light mode or Dark mode?


    Hussain Effendi
    I personally have always been a fan of dark mode. The light mode looks really good when products design them right but I feel that dark modes are easier on the eyes.
    Tanmay M
    @heffendi Yup that's true sometimes things just looks better in light mode
    Hussain Effendi
    @indev Plus i feel certain aethetic effects look kick-ass in light mode, what say?
    Tanmay M
    @heffendi Yes I agree 100%
    Bogomil Shopov - Бого
    Threat Modeling e-book
    Threat Modeling e-book
    Both, during the day :)
    Jaskiran Kaur
    I personally like dark mode