Crossed 5.6 mln organic views on LinkedIn in 2023. Do you use LinkedIn?

Olena Bomko
38 replies
If you want, we can connect :)


I've been killing it on LinkedIn lately! Over the past couple of months, I've been super active, and last week, I hit a major milestone - 5.6K organic views! I'm thrilled with my progress so far and can't wait to see how much further I can go. The sky's the limit! :)
Mehul Ghodasara
No, How many clients convert from LinkedIn?
Simona O'Neill
Wow that’s a lot of views. I use LinkedIn a lot but my reach is not great. You need to have a lot of followers to have decent engagement.
Elena Tsemirava
Excellent result. Keep it up!
Launching soon!
Woah! This is so great, onwards & upwards 🥳💯
Jose Rodríguez
No, I need to create an account
Asim Javed
I am going to follow you on linkedin too, I usually use it to post more about our product. But lately, struggling to get views. What was the strategy you said worked for you?
Olena Bomko
@sam_circler 1/ Define your positioning. 2/ Optimize your profile. 3/ Send connection requests without pitches. Accept connection requests. 4/ Comment on others' content. 5/ Post content. If your current posts don't get enough attention, do #1-4 and try to change the format of your posts. Try free templates, infographics, or entertaining content. 6/ Respond to thoughtful DMs. 7/ Create intersections between other channels. I have a full Playbook:
Saif Khan
@sam_circler @olenabomko That sounds like too much work :D do you know any shortcuts for us lazy folks :P
Joieta Choudhury
That's awesome! I love the quality of posts I come across on LinkedIn. What types of content do you find are usually the best lead magnets?
thats mind blowing ... I do use but still at the beginning stage 😅
Wow that's an insane amount of views! I am just building mine for more academic purposes related to my work, and have just restarted my X.....ugh i hate calling it that, X....might as well have made it an emoji and named it the platform formerly known as Twitter lol
Dmytro Semyrian
That's impressive reaching 5.6 million organic views on LinkedIn! As for me, I do use LinkedIn extensively for professional networking and staying updated with industry trends. It's a great platform to connect with like-minded professionals and discover new opportunities. I've joined and am excited to see everyone in my network of contacts. How has LinkedIn helped you in your professional journey?
No I've had LinkedIn for my college profile but I've never really seen the benefit of using it. Do you think for a startup it is necessary to use LinkedIn
Simon Ooley
I love LinkedIn & Sales Navigator. I find that thoughtful InMails have the best conversion rate. I have not posted much and look forward to ramping up my LinkedIn presence in 2024.
Jao Japitana
Just sent you a connect request :-)
Kimberly Allen
Numbers tell a story! What's the most memorable interaction or story that emerged from this extensive LinkedIn reach?
Congrats on reaching 5.6 million organic views on LinkedIn in 2023. btw we already connected .
Congratulations! I also use LinkedIn to connect with professionals making a significant impact in the industry, which is always inspiring.
Vivek Sharma
Yes I do! and if you ask me it is one of the best platforms to engage in today's date
That's impressive to have crossed 5.6 million organic views on LinkedIn! Congratulations!
Nithin Raju
I use LinkedIn occasionally, to get ideas on trending news, career opportunities, watch out for new entrepreneurs and creators on the platform. Though, I am not fond of using the platform, I try using it once a week, to keep myself updated about it.