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  • Critical mistakes made during the journey to MVP?

    Julia Suontama
    9 replies
    I've learned some lessons building Boxio, and wrote an article about why moving fast is the key & critical mistakes that you can avoid by doing the same on the journey towards MVP: https://medium.com/@julia_37772/pushing-out-boxios-mvp-fast-was-the-best-decision-we-ve-made-52655607f874 I'd love to hear your lessons when pushing out the MVP! 🔥


    Thanks for sharing, Julia! That's amazing getting 50 users in such a short amount of time. Any chance you have tips for me? I recently released an MVP and have only gotten 7 installs
    @juliasuontama Love it. Thank you!
    Julia Suontama
    @entreeden Thanks Eden! Well it required a lot of manual work. For example, I started using Twitter 4 weeks ago and gained 100 followers --> tweeting about Boxio, sending DM's, commenting a lot... I'm doing the same in LinkedIn; posting, talking with ppl. The first 100 users require YOU selling :) And then you get the users one by one! Best of luck with you. 🔥
    Julia Suontama
    ps. It's my first ever Medium-article. So, open to all the feedback you can come up with!
    Mohammad Elzahaby
    @juliasuontama imo a short conclusion would be nice to have but otherwise great to read!
    Loved the article - great advice!
    Mohammad Elzahaby
    Well done julia! Was really nice to hear about your story and learnings, i can see similarities to my :)
    Julia Suontama
    @mohammad_elzahaby heyoo thanks man! <3 Trying to share stuff I wish I had known before hopped into this roller coaster called startups :D