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  • Creativity requires courage. Where do you find your courage?

    Hannah S Kim
    3 replies
    Hi everyone, I recently heard this quote and though it is often used to talk about the arts, I think it applies to many makers and marketers like us, who put our soul and sweat into a product and release it for the world to see. Do you have a fear of showcasing what you have created to others? How have you overcome this fear?


    Lior Barak
    I never overcame my fear, and with each new launch of a company, podcast, article, book... I feel the pain in me that tell me it's better not go out there and talk about something you not fully happy with. But if you remember I recommended you the Wabi-Sabi book, I found it to be a great help in accepting nothing is finished, nothing is perfect, everything is what it is and we can improve it. I am planning soon to launch my new product that creates data infrastructure, but for example we don't have the website done yet, and it's a blocker, if it's not going to be there by the end of the monh I will launch it with what I have, it is what it is
    Lior Barak
    @hannahsuyun Thanks! What have you created? Share it with me in private? I found sometimes sharing it with strangers privatly and getting feedback is helping
    Hannah S Kim
    @lior_barak Thank you for the important reminder- we may never fully get rid of our fear, but we may be able to develop our persistence and grit in the process. Also, since we can always improve a product, so it's better to enjoy the journey and process rather than just focus on the outcome. Best of luck on your launch and website, Lior!