Copilot (Microsoft) or ChatGPT (OpenAI)? Which do you like more, and why?

Slim Geransar
72 replies
I just tested copilot and was pretty impressed.


Mansi Trivedi
I haven't tried Co pilot right now. What are the major differences ???
@mansi_trivedi1 I haven’t explored it fully but I’m excited for it to merge with Microsoft office, particularly excel! The basic prompts I asked it where pretty good
Jao Japitana
Huge user of ChatGPT here. I haven't tried Copilot yet, but now that say you are impressed. I guess I should try it out ASAP.
@jao_japitana let me know if you like it.
Jao Japitana
@slimmy82 Will certainly do. Trying it out today :-)
Gianluca Cinellu
Not the biggest fan, autocomplete sometimes is cool but it often gets in the way of the IDE suggestions, while chatting with the copilot to ask for code is mostly a waste of time as the code it's usually outdated
Gianluca Cinellu
@slimmy82 Not sure about it, I believe it depends on the use case. In my experience, it's ok if I write the code and ask it to find mistakes or possible blindspots in my logic, but writing the logic itself often requires not only knowledge of the task at hand, but also on the surrounding business model. Not sure we will see a proper copilot any time soon.
@misterocean I see what you mean. I’m not a coder so don’t really know. I know HTML basics lol. Definitely hard to code if you don’t know the logic like you said and what you’re fully trying to accomplish
@misterocean that’s fair. Maybe in the next big update there will be improvements.
Have you ever tried Claude, I love it and use it as much as ChatGPT. Which Copilot are you referring to Slim, the Baidu one, the Microsoft one, or the Perplexity one? Sorry I am getting lost in Copilots lol
@reconcatlord I was referring to Microsoft copilot. Never heard of Claude. Will look it up. Thanks for suggestion Nick
@slimmy82 I have to try it out, I was hoping it would be good for using Microsoft Office/365 products. And yes, Claude is made by Anthropic, and I find it to be awesome, It has some great capabilities. 200k token limit, which is really high. Give it a try
@sarvpriy_arya Yes I found it to be really good at analyzing complex texts and problems and giving very eloquent simple explanations of them.
Sarvpriy Arya
@reconcatlord Cloude is really good when it comes to writing a blog or a tweet
Launching soon!
Microsoft Copilot is best
@m_anees what do you like most about it?
Sarvpriy Arya
@m_anees best for what? Coding or blog writing?
Launching soon!
@slimmy82 ChatGPT is paid but copilot is free
Rick Fan
Copilot performs better in practical applications, while ChatGPT has more powerful features and more timely updates.
@rick_fan interesting, my girlfriend said she was impressed with responses from copilot also
Sarvpriy Arya
@rick_fan what practical applications
Peter Puhov
I am using ChatGPT 4. So far I had no reason to test Copilot.
Sarvpriy Arya
@rulik_tech are you using it for coding?
Peter Puhov
@sarvpriy_arya Yes, I use it for quickly prototyping small functions. It turns out to be faster than reading documentation. It's less accurate, sure, but much quicker. Sometimes, it also suggests ideas that I hadn't thought about. Another use case for me is passing very long and complex PyTorch errors to it. It then describes the error and suggests how to fix it. There's about an 80% chance it will produce a functional solution.
@rulik_tech that’s fair! If it works for you, then Amazing!
Hey Man, its just the beginning of Co-pilot. Lot is coming with it 🔥🔥
@istiakahmad will be interesting to see how far they take it. Also excited for integration with Mac version of excel
@slimmy82 it will surely come anyway i think 😅😅
Chingun Khasar
ChatGPT, Copilot's finetuning seems to be not as well trained or tuned as ChatGPT specifically GPT 4
@antichingun let’s see what happens in the upcoming months!
Lunar better option
@thtslunar really? Have never heard of it
Andrew Noah
Huge user of ChatGPT here.
@andrew_noah me too. But was just intrigued with copilot so tested it. Will be interesting what happens in time
Launching soon!
Haven't really tried Copilot yet. What was your experience like and which one did you like better?
@mahajan I need to test copilot more to be honest. The responses I got where pretty good actually. I need to ask them both the same prompt and see which gives better answers
Launching soon!
@sarvpriy_arya I think it is free
Launching soon!
@slimmy82 I see. Do let us know your experience when you do that!
Jessica Herman
Copilot performs better in practical applications, while ChatGPT has more powerful features and more timely updates.
@jessica_herman2 I definitely got some good responses from copilot. I’m going to use same prompts and see what happens
Kabir Haynes
Which Copilot are you referring to Slim, the Baidu one, the Microsoft one, or the Perplexity one? Sorry I am getting lost in Copilots lol
Poul merry
Not the biggest fan, autocomplete sometimes is cool but it often gets in the way of the IDE suggestions, while chatting with the copilot to ask for code is mostly a waste of time as the code it's usually outdated
Flora Diep
For me, ChatGPT is the best
@flora_diep yeah for now me too, need to still test them with the same prompt
Iqra Naseem
I like and still using chatGPT due to my experience.
@iqra_naseem have you tested copilot?
It depends on the specific task I need help with. Copilot might be more suitable for coding tasks, while ChatGPT is better for natural language understanding tasks. For professional tasks at work, I prefer this automated workflow because I can complete my daily tasks in 10 minutes.🔥
Still OpenAI is a way ahead but hopefully Microsoft & Google will catch up a bit in near future.
@innersynergyx I’m sure they will but it’s going to be an exciting year!
Harper Fords
Integrating new tools can sometimes be a learning curve. How seamless was the incorporation of Copilot into your coding routine, and did it prompt you to explore any coding techniques or languages you hadn't considered before?
@harperfords I don’t code, so for me it’s basic prompts. Mainly content.