Consume Vs create.. how do you balance the time reading Vs creating? Specially creators🤷

Pruthvi Raj
7 replies


Max Prilutskiy
That's a tough one. As a creator, both of code and sometimes content, I often struggle to find the right balance between consuming and creating. It's easy to get caught up in consuming content, whether it's reading articles, watching videos, or scrolling through social media, and before I know it, hours have passed without me making any progress on my own projects. To help balance my time between consuming and creating, I have started setting aside dedicated time for both activities. I set aside specific times of the day or week for reading, watching videos, or listening to podcasts, as well as dedicated time for creating and working on my own projects. By establishing these boundaries and sticking to a schedule, I can help ensure that I am spending an appropriate amount of time on both activities. I have also found it helpful to limit the amount of time I spend consuming content. I set limits on how long I spend reading or watching videos each day, and only allow myself to consume content during specific times of the day. By limiting my consumption, I can free up more time for creating and working on my own projects. Finally, I try to choose the content I consume wisely. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or watching videos, I seek out content that is relevant and useful to my own work. By consuming content that is directly related to my own projects, I can gain valuable insights and ideas that can help me improve and grow as a creator. Overall, finding the right balance between consuming and creating is a personal journey, and what works for me may not work for everyone. But by setting aside dedicated time for both activities, limiting my consumption, and choosing my content wisely, I can help ensure that I am spending an appropriate amount of time on both consuming and creating.
Max Prilutskiy
@pruthvi2 I believe such product could exist, if there's a big enough market for it (meaning it's a *pain* for a significant amount of people) and if you'd be able to reach those people to distribute the product.
Pruthvi Raj
@maxprilutskiy that’s amazing that you schedule it in a way that balances both consuming & reading.. I guess automating this and recommending content to consume would be a great tool to build & sell. What do you think?
Philip Snyder
I focus on output in the morning and input in the evening
Pruthvi Raj
@philipsnyder when you say output do you create??
Darwin Binesh
I write business news for a living so it's a tough balance indeed. I typically write/create in the mornings and evenings and then the day is spent relaxing. Inspiration strikes or I actively research as new breaks or new things happen. Typically it's like 2 hours creating for 1 hour creating when research-based. Otherwise, it'll be closer to 4:1. Hope that helps!
Pruthvi Raj
@darwin_binesh amazing schedule.. doing 4:1 every day is 🤯.. coz consistency is one issue with me. I gotta be more disciplined in this regard.