Completed My 200 days Streak 🔥🔥🔥

Umar Saleem
35 replies
Hey there, Product Hunt community! I'm excited to announce that I've just reached a significant milestone: a 200-day streak on Product Hunt! During this journey, I've explored incredible products and contributed my thoughts and feedback. It's been an incredible experience, and I appreciate the knowledge and relationships I've made. I've gained 1,000 points, yet I'm still going. My new objective? Reaching 2,000 points! I'm up for the challenge and excited to see where this trip takes me. I'm glad of my collection of 17 badges. From interesting remarks to tastemaking, each badge reflects a different facet of my Product Hunt adventure. Speaking of badges, I've had some intriguing ones in mind. I desire to acquire the "Tastemaker 100" badge and am committed to doing so. Furthermore, I'm excited to receive the "Comment Award: LOL" and "Comment Award: Good Find" badges for engaging, amusing, and intelligent remarks to Product Hunt discussions. Through my interactions, I hope to provide value to the community. Let's keep the conversation going! I'd love to connect with you beyond Product Hunt. You can find me on LinkedIn: Twitter: Thank you for being a part of this incredible community, and here's to many more days of discovery and discussion on Product Hunt! 🙌


Uma Venugopal
Great job! Keep going!
Wow, that’s awesome 👏🏻 Congrats
Congrats Umer. I’m on 90th day streak.
Daniel Zaitzow
What do you think you've learned most along the way?! (a PH focused response would be optimal) haha
Ilyes Ouhadj
Congrats, it takes a lot of discipline!
Liam Anderson
Good Job . Keep it up but how you managed it ?
Salar Davari
@liam_anderson3 Does have a linger streak give us any special permillages?
Donald Evans
Congrats, Umar! Your dedication is on fire!
Yavuz Tunc Emran
Congrats! It's a great achievement, how did you manage it ?
Jonathan Grimes
Wow, what a great job you have done