Companion app for remote meetings, any ideas?

Av Utukuri
4 replies
Other than just showing your PowerPoint deck, what does everyone here do to create a more interesting and visual experience? Any products out there that really enhance the Zoom/Teams/Webex experience over showing a boring deck?


Jordan Paris
I use Fusion to generate prompts for my virtual meetings. Fusion is an AI-powered prompt-engineering software that renders enhanced GPT prompts. πŸ€– Utilizing the power of Open AI's GPT technology, Fusion generates unique and creative prompts to help you yield higher-quality content. πŸ”₯ Check it out on PH!
Av Utukuri
@jordan_paris That seems really interesting. Will check it out now. My concern is the actual in-meeting experience. No one seems to be working on this at all. Everyone has a boring deck that goes full screen and most people turn off cameras and tune out. Trying to fix this issue. I think that the entire in-meeting experience needs to be revamped and thought through again. Been working on this for a while and trying to see if others will resonate.