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  • [ChangeLog] December 15, 2022 release notes: streaks widget & EOY recap

    Jamie Sprowl
    17 replies

    Streaks widget

    To all our competitive friends - we get it, we love streaks too. Our mobile team did us all a favor and designed a mobile home screen streak widget. See your current streak and always stay vigilant and on top of your streak game. Get the mobile app if you’re still missing out.

    streak widget

    EOY recap

    This year’s been a blast - thanks for being a part of it! A quick lookback on some highlights: - We launched Product Hubs and Launch Pages in June - The new mobile apps released in August - Profiles got redesigned in September and the new activity feed was added as a fast-follow - The Coming Soon page and ability to tease launches shipped in November - All things streaks are ready for you in December

    We have a little teaser of our own…

    Two weeks ago most of our team got together IRL in Austin, Texas for a Hackathon. We had a ton of fun (any other board game and karaoke enthusiasts out there?) but also built a ton of new/helpful/fun/quirky stuff we’re unleashing on Product Hunt in the new year. See you in Jan!

    PH team

    What were your favorite changes this year and what do you hope to see in the new year? We’d love to hear from you!


    Moak Designs
    Is it available for Android?
    Laurie Hérault
    The streak widget is very cool! Thank you ☺️
    Philippe Beaudoin
    Ah! I’m actually a BoardGame désigner dilettante, try Québec some day! ;) Thanks for all the progress, love the new Coming Soon pages!
    Philippe Beaudoin
    @jamie_sprowl I’ve built an online solo version w/ tutorial years ago, you should hunt it! ;) http://quebecgame.appspot.com/
    Rajan Walia
    Sounds interesting, Is it available on android?
    Karan Soni
    Waiting for it to get available in android!
    Launching soon!
    Streak widget feature is a really creative one. 💯
    Chris Messina
    Loads of changes this year — congrats! Particularly interested to see the evolution of Hubs over time. In 2023, would really love to understand if hunters are still important to Product Hunt since Teaser Pages seem to make our role much less relevant going forward. If so, perhaps a rebrand is in order? From "Product Hunt" to "Product Launchpad"? 🤔
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    i like the new streak leaderboard
    Rohan Chaubey
    Congrats! I am loving the new features. :) In 2023, I would like Product Hunt to open ambassador program again.