Can you reach out to people who supported you during your launch through the Product Hunt platform?

Priyani Sharma Ahuja
10 replies


Fabian Maume
Product hunt doesn't have a direct message feature. You can answer comments on your launch, this is actually strongly recommended. If you want to connect with people after the launch, you can try to use Twitter or Linkedin.
Fabian Maume
@priyani_sharma_ahuja Did you signup for those products?
Priyani Sharma Ahuja
@fabian_maume Sure thanks....but I keep receiving emails from lots of products that I had was wondering how they do it...
Priyani Sharma Ahuja
@fabian_maume yes I did....i think I had signed up on their upcoming page and thats why I get emails from them
Sandra Idjoski
Not that I know of. I don't even think a full list of people who upvoted is available. The best you can do is engage with people during the launch and try connecting with them on other platforms.
Mark Curz
@sandra_idjoski Do you think there should be a list of all upvoters?
Sandra Idjoski
@mark_curz I mean, it'd be nice to be able to connect with those people. I'm really thankful to everyone who upvoted, so it's a bit of a bumer to not even know who they are. 😅
Priyani Sharma Ahuja
@mark_curz @sandra_idjoski yeah it would be awesome if we could connect to all folks who supported us.....
Rich Watson
NVSTly: Social Investing
NVSTly: Social Investing
Best you can do is @mention them in a comment or post