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  • Can you have a successful PH launch alone?

    Annie Chopra
    48 replies
    Hey makers! I had a question, what do you feel about launching with a team vs alone? A lot of people ask about famous Hunters and whether or not it’s worth it! I want to know whether or not having a big team makes a launch easier? Better? Has any solopreneur launched on PH? What made you successful? I had the advantage of being part of an awesome team for the Edily launch! I do think there were many benefits to it, for example, you can ensure there is someone active throughout the day, you can each reach out to your own networks, multiple social media accounts, etc. what do you think?


    Launching solo on PH is like a one-person show-challenging, yet full of potential. Having a team undoubtedly brings benefits, but the solo route has its charm.
    @xp_vit Well its not about team, its about how much attention you are bringing. Some might brought huge attention alone or some work in a team. A team does add a lot of benefits, the more members the more actions. Based on your circumstances you could divide the work in team members to unload some pressure.
    Viktar Patotski
    @istiakahmad How big a team do you think it should be for a successful launch?
    Annie Chopra
    @istiakahmad Agreed! Have you launched alone at some point?
    @annie_chopra Well its always been with my co-founder and we launched 1/2 product together before, but not in PH.
    Xavier JJ
    Following this. I'm interested in knowing as well.
    Annie Chopra
    @xavier_jj I found very interesting how no one had addressed this in a while considering how many solopreneurs I see on PH! So thought I would get the conversation going!
    Nico Spijker
    You'll definitely be in for a big challenge if you're not an influencer and planning on launching on a Tuesday/Wednesday. Big teams come with bigger networks definitely. This doesn't mean you can't have a successful solo launch, it's all about keeping track of how many people you can get to show up. Monday or Thursday-Friday are less competitive days so definitely a better starting point. Also if you're going solo, the earlier you start preparing the better.
    Simona O'Neill
    @nicolaas_spijker that's a great advice. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know that the day of the week matters.
    Annie Chopra
    @nicolaas_spijker I think the launch days are definitely a huge part of the impact! Very true!
    Stefan Wirth
    Why not? ;)
    Carol Moh
    Honestly depends on how active you are as a person across PH and your socials/networks. There are definitely companies that tend to rely on one person to drive the launch in terms of networking and building a following here, so it is practically like a one-person launch πŸ˜‚ I think if you have a solid network, you can do it! You'll have to be super, super active during the launch, and maybe if you pick the right hunter that has the right audience who like your type of product, it can be an extra bit of boost and visibility. πŸ™Œ
    Simona O'Neill
    @carolmoh yep, you're so right. It's rare to see companies that have a group of people who are all very active on social media and have large following. It's mostly one or two of them, and the rest just share and upvote it on the day .
    Annie Chopra
    @carolmoh @simona_o_neill3 yes! Something I have seen though, as I have been connecting with many people - is that companies with funds typically connect with hunters with lots of followers to lead the launch. I have also seen companies with big teams ensure that even if the team isn't making like contributing to the networking they will be on PH a little to upvote and stuff so they can upvote the product on launch day and comment!
    Carol Moh
    @simona_o_neill3 @annie_chopra I think the big hunters will make you pay but that is also because they built a revenue stream from hunting/consulting. If I were launching solo I think my strategy would be to seek out a member to hunt my product who is aligned to my type of product who has a decent amount of followers, is active in the community, sparks conversation, and has great engagement.
    Eddie Forson
    I am launching alone next week, and absolutely believe that you can be successful. For me that's finishing in the top 10 of products for the day. But you need to be well prepared: - create a teaser page ahead of launch and invite people to sign up to be notified on launch day - drum up interest on other social media platforms like Twitter - upvote and write relevant comments every day on new product launches - contributes to thread from the community On launch day: - drink a lot of coffee :) - ask for help: do you have friends that could help on launch day? - get people in your community and on social media to amplify your launch by sharing/retweeting about your launch to their contacts - reply to all comments on launch day - get a nap if needed - have fun
    Eddie Forson
    @rashad_sanders Thanks! You can check out our upcoming launch here: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Annie Chopra
    @ed_forson Love this advice Eddie! And I can see you've got plenty of people following your launch- how long ago did you add a teaser page if you don't mind me asking? I will be supporting your launch! Good luck
    Eddie Forson
    @annie_chopra I think I have plenty of people following because I launched a previous version of EnVsion a few months ago πŸ˜…. I didn't realise that the number of followers compounded from the previous launch! Otherwise I just created our upcoming launch a few days ago. Still need to improve the poster images + craft a better intro message.
    Mansi Trivedi
    Okay, let's go question by question. - A solo show is a bit hard but if you have an active community it could work. - Hunters should be involved if you want extra help, you can go anyways by adding other makers as marketers. - Having a big team helps with the outreach if you're doing that and also credibility if they are active users. - I think I have many people who have done solo launches and have been perfectly good. - For me it was the active support and my account helped a bunch.
    Annie Chopra
    @mansi_trivedi1 Love this! Very true in all aspects
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    I agree with @alessio_mavica, it depends of definition of β€œsuccess”. If your goal is 1-3 places, than I think it will be hard, but I know teams were only 2-4 people actively working on launch, and they achieved β€œproduct of the day” several times
    Egon Tyrell
    no i am interested in team work
    Boudewijn Bos
    I did it by myself for Fryda - I mean it’s fun learning all the different items off the launch but if you want to have a big spread on your launch you need other people! Fryda still looks good btw so give it a try if you have the time!
    Annie Chopra
    @boudewijn_bos amazing! I saw you got many meaningful comments at Fryda launch - will definitely check out the app
    Boudewijn Bos
    @annie_chopra yeah it was amazing πŸ’œπŸš€
    Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
    Increased Reach and Exposure: With more people involved, you can expand your reach and expose your product to a wider audience. Team members can share the launch on their personal and professional networks, increasing the visibility of your product.
    Ilyes Ouhadj
    It's easier with a team but better alone! With a team, you can split the work and have little to focus on and get it faster! Alone, you have to be smart, choose the right things to do, and focus on the 20% of work that'll generate 80% of the outcome! So pretty easy when you got people that skilled to do things faster! You have a greater chance of learning new things and becoming smarter if you make it alone! I would suggest you succeed once at least alone, and then for all the next ventures, you outsource most of the work and only leave what's really important to you!
    Annie Chopra
    @zedkira oooo hot take! haha I think it also depends how much effort in the team everyone is making - when we launched Edily - everyone was sooo involved and building it together - I think that helps! But I agree, I think it can be great solo route too- I saw many people are going solo in this thread, looking forward to learning more!
    Richard Green
    very interested in this. I'm a marketer by trade and building using no-code at present. Down to last 2 months of savings so has to get it live soon!
    Annie Chopra
    @rtg123 will love to support your launch Richard! Connect - happy to help if I can :)
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    Yes :) I was #3. Alone. It's difficult.
    Annie Chopra
    @olenabomko GIRL whattt???? that's incredible- mind sharing your tips?
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @annie_chopra Yes! Here's a free checklist: olenabomko.gumroad.com/l/producthunt
    Shajedul Karim
    hey sis, cool question. you can totally launch alone, just be organized and use your network well. teams are great for covering more ground and having support, but solo launches can be just as effective with a solid plan and a product that clicks with people. in the end, it's all about how you connect with the community and present your product, solo or not. good luck!
    Annie Chopra
    @shajedulkarim_ yup! I think it heavily ends up depending on the product too
    Viktar Patotski
    Hey there! Great question! Launching with a team versus going solo is a topic that's always buzzing in the maker community. Personally, I've experienced both sides, and each has its own set of pros and cons. Launching with a Team: - Diverse Skills: Having a team allows you to tap into various skills. Designers, developers, marketers – each person brings something unique to the table. - Shared Responsibilities: With a team, you can distribute tasks based on individual strengths. This often leads to a more well-rounded and polished launch. - Broader Network Reach: As you mentioned, having multiple team members means you can leverage different networks. This can significantly boost your product's visibility. Solo Launch: - Autonomy: Going solo gives you complete control over your product and its direction. You can make decisions quickly without the need for extensive coordination. - Efficiency: Without constant communication, decisions can be made swiftly. This can be crucial, especially during the hectic launch period. - Sole Recognition: As a solo maker, you get all the credit for your product. This can be a driving force for some, as the success is solely attributed to your efforts.
    Vincent Xu
    Hey Annie! I totally understand the dilemma of launching alone versus with a team. It's definitely a tough decision to make. From my experience, having a team can be really beneficial. As you mentioned, having multiple people actively promoting your launch throughout the day and leveraging their own networks can greatly increase your reach and visibility. However, launching alone can also be successful. It all comes down to how well you plan and execute your launch strategy. It might require more effort on your part, but it's definitely doable. I'm actually in the process of preparing for my own product launch on Product Hunt. I would love to hear any advice you have for someone like me who's about to embark on this journey. Also, I'd be thrilled if you could provide some feedback once my product is live. If you're interested, you can click on the "Notify" button to receive a notification when it's ready. Thanks in advance for any insights you can share!
    Artyom Sviridov
    Let's just say, it depends on what you mean by "successful" :) You need to be aware that many products are created by teams, and you'll be competing with them on your launch day.
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @annie_chopra, Absolutely, success is achievable with dedication and smart strategy. Lean on established best practices instead of starting from scratch. Set balanced goals and understand your true potential β€” you're capable of more than you realize. A well-structured plan, consistent effort, and patience are key, regardless of whether you're solo or in a team. Being a solopreneur can be challenging due to the wide range of skills required, but with focus and determination, your goals are within reach.