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  • Can PH be used as the sole tool for product publicity throughout its entire lifecycle?

    23 replies


    Sana Khan
    It can work for some products, especially if they fit well with PHโ€™s audience and features. However, for a comprehensive strategy, other platforms and methods are usually needed.
    @s_ana_khan Everything is subjective, isn't it?)
    Luka Brzin
    Definitely not. You need other channels to grow your product and scale it to the point where it becomes profitable.
    @luka_brzin Would you agree that the war of marketing budgets often leads projects into a Ponzi scheme?
    vishalini paliwal
    I think we definitely need more channels and would depend on where you can find your audience.
    Udaya Sri
    I believe PH can boost your product's visibility, but relying on it alone is not a good strategy.
    @udaya_sri Would you agree that there are various types of companies in terms of budget allocation ratios? For example, 20% for marketing + 80% for development. And there are successful companies where the cost of promoting the product is 0%. If we are talking about the latter option, then it is quite possible that PH could become the driving force behind the promotion ;-)
    Luis Roberts
    PH can be a great start, but using it as the only tool might limit long-term visibility and reach.
    @luis_roberts But what if it is important for the product to receive valuable feedback from early adopters with frequent periodicity to achieve success? And the basis of promotion always remains recommendations from loyal users to new ones?
    Mercy James
    PH works well for initial buzz, but other platforms are needed to maintain momentum over time.
    Emily Walker
    For launching PH is useful, but relying on it alone may not be enough for sustained product publicity
    Simon Peter Damian
    Nope. You need a variety of channels
    Galina Linardi
    While PH can kick off product publicity, additional channels are often needed for ongoing promotion
    @galina_linardi Doesn't this primarily depend on how good the product is?
    David Grunwald
    PH can be a strong part of your publicity strategy, but itโ€™s usually best when paired with other marketing channels to cover different stages of the product lifecycle.
    Dinda Nancy
    While PH is great for specific campaigns, it might not reach all potential customers.
    @dinda_nancy What do you consider the next layer in publicity for a product?
    I hope Iโ€™m not the only who is absolutely convinced that this is possible ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿš€
    Miyene Tom
    Not advisable... At all... you need to combine with other platforms
    Robert Pim
    I see Product Hunt as a great starting point. However, for continuous product promotion, itโ€™s beneficial to employ a mix of marketing tools and channels.
    I'm also new to marketing. I know about promoting with PH because a senior told me about it. I don't know what other people are talking about when they mention channels. Can anyone give me some specific examples of promotional tools that are comparable to PH?
    Elijah Scott Fitzgerald
    Agreed, just relying on Product Hunt isn't enough. You definitely need a multi-channel marketing strategy to really grow and scale a profitable product. PH is great for initial exposure and attracting early adopters, but to reach a mainstream audience and drive consistent growth, you've gotta leverage other channels too like content marketing, SEO, paid ads, etc. Building in virality and referrals can also help a ton with organic growth beyond the PH launch.
    @elijahscottfitzgerald A lot of valuable things have been said, thank you ๐Ÿ™ but the most valuable, in my opinion, is the diligence in creating a product that you want you want to recommend. ๐Ÿ‘Š