Can an AI model be creative?

Elena Tairova
3 replies
To calm worries about AI's power we often hear arguments that it's simply a tool. But recent research shows that GPT-4 already exceeds humans in divergent thinking, a core aspect of creativity. According to The University of Arkansas' study (, AI produced more "original and elaborate answers than the human participants." What is your take on this? Can AI be creative, or is it just a powerful algorithmic prediction tool awaiting human direction?


Salar Davari
Not the way humans are. AI is creative in a a different way on a different level I believe.
Elena Tairova
I'll start :). AI might get there someday, but not yet. Creativity's way deeper than just throwing wild ideas. And, most importantly, AI models still rely on human input, without it there will be just stagnation.
Chemical Bull
I don't think so. Humans are creative and creative humans know how to use AI. Thats it.