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  • Call to Action Examples Database

    Yucel F. Sahan
    12 replies
    I am building a call-to-action examples database and just launch the beta version today :) I need to hear your ideas about it, would it be handy to have 900+ conversion-optimized CTA phrases for growth hackers, website builders, digital marketers, and copywriters? Would you pay $7.99 monthly to access a categorized database of 900+ “Call to Action” examples? Oh you can visit the page btw, it is live now 👉🏻 ctaexamples.com


    Daniel Engels
    I wouldn't pay, as some similar databases might exist for free. The only exception is a small one-time fee to access to a database that comes from an outstanding editor that I trust.
    Yucel F. Sahan
    Landing Page Checklist
    Landing Page Checklist
    @daniel_engels Thank you for the feedback Daniel. Can you share any example you know?
    Amelia Charlie
    Just replying to know how much others are paying.
    Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
    If they're good then I would pay a one-time fee for sure. If they are good and the database will keep expanding with other great examples, then a monthly fee makes sense also. But if they're generic (such as check out, grab, get it free, etc.), then probably not since there are tons of articles providing those types of CTAs for free (like Hubspot for instance)
    Yucel F. Sahan
    Landing Page Checklist
    Landing Page Checklist
    @anna_mandziuk Thanks for sharing your feedback Anna! I think the same; if people are going to keep paying I have to put some extraordinary content. I will add more specific CTA examples to homepage after your comment. Thanks again 🙏🏻
    I replied to the poll. But love the idea.
    Sergul Sungur
    I liked the idea. As a marketer I always need to think about the CTAs