#buildinpublic Yes or No?

11 replies
I started working on my new startup idea, is it worth building in public or is it just a hype? Please share your experience of building in public journey.


Yes, It will help your audience to relate! I publish this article in January https://wp-umbrella.com/blog/ins... and I often send it to customer when they have pre-sale questions about the team and what we do. They always like it. The only con is that it takes time, but I think it's worth it. It's an occasion to do something that you will be proud of in a few year.
Yes! At the very least, it can help you build an audience/community and get instantaneous feedback on what works and what doesn't.
Raisa Shafiyyullah
Yes. You get feedback and also early users. And it also helps you build your confidence for your startup idea/project. You build it for people to use so why not share it early.
Viktor Brešan
What is your target market?
Viktor Brešan
@azfar Do social media marketers actively participate in the #buildinpublic movement, or is there a more effective way to reach them? I'm not suggesting that there are no advantages to building in public. I'm simply questioning whether it is the optimal channel for reaching our target market. Should we prioritize growing our followers within the indie hackers community, or are there other communities that would be more beneficial?