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  • Building an AI platform for founders & digital marketers

    Narmina Balabayli
    11 replies
    W're building a platform where you can exchange links, engage in guest blogging, and collaborate on other marketing activities with fellow founders and digital marketers. It's vevy.ai, launching in a couple of days. I've worked at two successful startups before, and this is the third one me and my CTO founded. During my time at these previous startups, I experienced the pain of knocking on the doors of other founders, only to find them closed - not getting back to me, probably for they were not open to collaboration (How would I knew this?!) That's why we're building vevy.ai platform exclusively for founders and marketers working on startups or SMBs. Currently, it's just the CTO and me (handling marketing, product, sales, and support). With five years of experience in startups, I'm not stressed about the heavy workload! :) We don't have a designer and the platform may look sh*tty, but we have a big heart and passion to support, so we will make the platform beautiful eventually. For now, the focus is on creating a platform that works and brings value; design can wait a bit! After launch and receiving early feedback, we'll start building AI features that will provide SEO suggestions, ready-to-implement competitor analysis (so you don't have to check manually who are your competitors, what they rank for), and much more. We're launching the product in couple of days, wish me good luck! I'm super eager to help and create value, for this I'm open to any feedback, be it negative!


    Kan Singh
    An AI platform for founders and digital marketers could be incredibly valuable, but catering to both SMBs and enterprises might be challenging. Focusing on a specific target audience could allow for a more tailored and effective solution.
    Narmina Balabayli
    @kan_singh You're right. For the early stage, we'll welcome founders & marketers who wants to "match". Next, we'll expand based on the requested features.. We'll see whom vevy.ai brings the most value, who are our users. After we have clear view we can think of where to sail.
    Jaimy James
    Building an AI platform specifically for founders and digital marketers is a brilliant idea. It could automate repetitive tasks, generate creative content, and provide valuable data insights – all crucial for success in today's competitive landscape.
    Narmina Balabayli
    @jaimy Thank you. Though we're not thinking about generative AI for now. We'll see! You can follow our launch! :) https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Siddhant Singh
    Your vision for vevy.ai sounds fantastic! The focus on collaboration among founders and digital marketers is much needed. While design improvements can come later, ensuring a functional and valuable platform from the start is a smart approach. Looking forward to seeing the AI features and what you bring to the table in the startup ecosystem.
    Narmina Balabayli
    @sidsingh Thank you Siddhant for support! :) you can get notified when we launch: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Abhra Ch.
    Hey @narminablb! 😄 Your platform vevy.ai sounds like a much-needed solution for founders and digital marketers. It's exciting to see someone with your experience working on bridging the collaboration gap in the startup community. 🚀 Don't worry about the design, your focus on creating value is key, and the rest will follow. Best of luck with the launch! Looking forward to seeing those AI features in action. 👍
    Narmina Balabayli
    @abhra_ch Hi Abhra, thanks you for motivating words, very kind of you! :) You'll be launching soon, good luck to you too! BTW, you can follow our launch and get notified: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Abhra Ch.
    @narminablb Thanks a lot. I have recently a launched a couple products myself. You can check them out in my profile. xD Also, done. Cant wait for your product's launch.
    Narmina Balabayli
    @abhra_ch AI girlfriend? no option for boyfriend? haha! Good luck, I'm following.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Launching a platform for founders and marketers without the stress of perfect design is like starting a road trip with a map made of sticky notes - adventurous and intriguing! Can't wait to see vevy.ai unfold its AI magic soon!