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  • Building a marketing & sales practice vs. executing marketing & sales

    Adam Kershner
    0 replies
    Hey there fellow tech enthusiasts! 😊 Recently I've been focusing some of my time on designing a "marketing & sales practice" with my team, and the process has actually been way more fun than expected πŸ˜… Crazy, I know! In the past, I would get exhausted with actually running and "executing marketing campaigns," in the sense that in the beginning, it can be difficult to always appreciate the bigger picture of how certain marketing tasks actually connect to sales and ROI. We've changed our approach to be less "task-oriented" and more strategic when it comes to marketing and sales, allowing for more flexibility to make decisions about social media, content, etc. within the framework of a marketing & sales "practice" that we've built for ourselves. Does this make sense to you? Many developers and product people can get exhausted by the ambiguity and open-ended nature of marketing (black boxes, continuous optimizations, shifting trends, etc.), but I've found this way of building philosophy and practice alleviates a lot of stress (for teams and individuals). Do you have thoughts or experiences with building a marketing & sales practice you'd like to share? My hope with this post is that more people share ideas and advice and that we can all improve our processes and get more efficient!
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