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  • Building a Journey-based social platform, how important would this be?

    Caleb Leong
    4 replies
    Hey guys! Really new to this space and loving the energy and open-ness of this community. So my cousin and I have are planning to build a journey-based social platform, which we believe can help with social isolation and fomo from some current platforms, and currently have two assumptions: 1) People would like to share their goals and dreams online with friends and their network. 2)People would love to join together on the same dream/journey and encourage others who are their different journeys. (shared journey timeline) We are having concerns that as peoples different goals and journeys might be too vulnerable to be 'exposed' and even with vulnerability settings like 'close friends' might not use it at all. Wanted some thoughts and potential ideas on this subject- would you 'dare to share' your journey? Or any tips? website : www.dreamfect.com hoping to launch by Q1


    I think the journey-based idea is great, and being able to share those thoughts (ie. goals, dreams) is something that might be motivational and help people open up to others. I think the only issue I could see is related to what you brought up about people being willing to open up their "journey" to others. It might create a sense of competition (as many see on Linkedin, for instance), where people share only what they think others want to see and don't share negatives, which doesn't align with the idea of a journey. Just my thoughts on what could happen :) Ps. I took a look at your website and the ideas you've put together are interesting, I'd just suggest changing the font to something different to give you a "formal" appearance. You can take a look at Google Fonts and pick something that might fit the vibe of your idea. Love this idea and your thoughts behind it, you're already being critical about certain aspects of the idea without losing motivation to chase it :)
    Caleb Leong
    @maxine_buchert Wow really appreciate your thoughts, yes that’s true on potential “competition”. How can we make it or keep it “healthy” hmmm
    Why not, once I built a social network around documents. Others have done the same around pictures, videos, slides and you name it, someone's done it. If you want volunteers to help you realise your dream, head over to www.skilledup.life. We now have 3,107 individuals ready to help tech startups free. All the best.