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  • Build a SaaS in a single evening!

    Sam Kamrani
    0 replies
    Hi everyone, I'm sure you hear about all the happenings in the AI space, or rather, in every space thanks to AI, every day. I've been a technical founder for years, spending tens of thousands of dollars and making modest returns from various side hustles. I've tried SaaS, freelancing, and service-based businesses. I hated freelancing and service-based work because it involved more effort for less income compared to a 9-5 job, given my experience. Plus, it felt like I had 1,000 bosses instead of just one. SaaS has always been my favorite because it's much more scalable and, if it works, it eventually becomes a smoother ride. However, it's challenging for two main reasons: 1. It requires a lot of time and resources to build something meaningful. 2. Marketing! (We all know this horror story.) And all of this assumes you have the right idea (which, let's face it, 90% of the time we don't). I'm not even going to delve into the pain of finding a co-founder, fundraising, Y Combinator, getting hammered on HN, and the whole "it's just a ChatGPT wrapper, folks" thing. --- With the help of my brother and a close friend, I've started a marketplace for AI-powered services, or what I call micro SaaS, named PromptIntellect(https://promptintellect.com). Why is this great for Indie Hackers? 1. Low Barrier to Entry: You don't need a huge budget or extensive resources to start. Just write a Lambda function with certain utility functions in any supported language, and you're good to go. 2. Direct Earnings: The payment model ensures that sellers get paid directly for each execution of their services, providing immediate returns without the wait. 3. Flexibility: You can add as many services as you want, in any category. This allows you to experiment and pivot without the overhead. 4. Scalability: Just like traditional SaaS, the potential to scale is high, but without the extensive initial investment and risk. These services are powered by various AI APIs, making it easier for you to integrate powerful AI capabilities into your offerings. To create a service, you simply follow a few basic conventions detailed in our docs. --- How to start Adding a service to PromptIntellect is straightforward. All you need to do is write a Lambda function with certain utility functions in any supported language. We've made it even easier by providing an open-source repository(https://github.com/PromptIntellect/promptintellect-services) containing examples in each language. You can find these services on our website. We're currently inviting sellers who want to be among the first to start selling on the platform. I'll work closely with these early adopters to help them launch their services and make adjustments based on their feedback. While registration is open to all (https://promptintellect.com/become-a-seller/), if you want to become a featured seller (10 positions available for now), please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your idea in the registration form.
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