Buckling up for our CodeDesign launch tomorrow. Who else ready for their launch?🚀

Rince Sebastian
75 replies
After almost three months of planning and hard work, pouring our hearts into it, we're thrilled to finally share CodeDesign AI (for WP https://codedesign.ai/wordpress) with the world! We ask for your love and support as we launch tomorrow... https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Help us spread the word! Share your product links below, and let's support each other's launches with upvotes and feedback.


Jamie L
Congratulations on the impending launch of CodeDesign AI! Your dedication is inspiring, and I can't wait to see it take off on Product Hunt—shared and upvoted for success!
Rince Sebastian
@jamin_nanthan Thanks a lot for being there for us Jamie, looking forward to your feedbacks on our launch tomorrow!!
Wishing you all the best for your CodeDesign AI launch, Rince! Your dedication is about to pay off, and I'll be sure to check it out and share my thoughts. 🚀👨‍💻
Rince Sebastian
@xyz_333 Yes that would be great, thanks for your support William 🙌🏻
Akhil Nair
Very Excited for the launch looking forward to it , All the best guys
I will support u !
Rince Sebastian
@ipaparazzo_app thanks a lot for your support!!
Vakis Rigas
We are in full swing. Good luck tomorrow!
Rince Sebastian
@vakisr Thanks a lot for the support!!
Rich Watson
Following, will upvote & comment when launch goes live. Congrats! If you're not already and would kindly follow & support my upcoming launch I would greatly appreciate. Just hover or hit the Launching Soon tab next to my name or search "nvstly" - thanks again!
Rince Sebastian
@richw Yes I had notified for your launch long ago, you have all my support looking forward to it & thanks a lot for your support Rich!!
Pablo Roig
@richw I hope you have great launch too. Beginners are going to be closer with to top traders. Waiting your lunch!
Rich Watson
@rince much appreciated! we'll be launching Wednesday
Maria H
Good luck with your launch🤩
Rince Sebastian
@mariahhunter Thanks a lot Maria 🙌 looking forward to your feedbacks tomorrow
Josh Walker
Congratulations on the launch! This could be an exciting product for folks who struggle with generating landing pages, and I hope all goes well. Supported.
Rince Sebastian
@xjoshwalker Yes we hope to achieve the same, thanks for your support Josh!!
Good luck tomorrow, I will support.
Rince Sebastian
@alex_cortenix Thanks a lot Alex, looking forward to it!!
Yogita Gholap
Best of luck with the launch.
Nilesh Jethwa
Congratulations ! Will support you. I am launching Thursday
Rince Sebastian
@njboxpitt Thanks & Congrats on your upcoming launch, pls share it with me!!
Congrats on the launch! On my side, Launching at the end of the month as a solo founder. Quite some work to get there 👨‍💻
Rince Sebastian
@gael_grosch Yes all the best, pls do share it with will support you
Alvaro Villalba Perez
Great to see more and more people launching! It's really helping us stay motivated. We're launching on 13th! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Rince Sebastian
@alvarovillalb_ Notified, looking forward to your launch
Alvaro Villalba Perez
@rince thanks Rince! every piece of support is much appreciated
Vincent Xu
Congratulations on reaching the launch milestone for CodeDesign AI—it's clear how much dedication and effort have gone into this project! I've bookmarked your Product Hunt page and can't wait to see the community's reaction; sharing and upvoting is on my to-do list for tomorrow!
Rince Sebastian
@cen_xu Thanks a lot Vincent, for all the support looking forward to your feedbacks tomorrow
Hey Rince, already following your launch, looking forward to it , good luck
Rince Sebastian
@istiakahmad Thanks a lot for your support Istiak!!
Good Luck I support you
Anastasia Liamets
Good luck, Rince! 🙌🏼🍀
Rince Sebastian
@anliamets Thanks a lot for your support Anastasia!
Sathish Nagarajan (SNR)
Interesting product Rince, Best of luck!
Matej Cabadaj
Just notified! You can count on my support 🏆 We are launching in 13 days! An interactive mental health platform ☺️ https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Rince Sebastian
@matej_cabadaj Thank you & Followed, looking forward to your launch
Matej Cabadaj
@rince Thanks a lot, really appreciate it! ☺️