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  • Bootstrapped or funded?

    Senthilnathan RM
    25 replies
    Hey PH community, Are you bootstrapped or funded? If you are bootstrapped now, would you raise funds sooner or later and why? On a general note, what do you like the most? Bootstrapped or funded?


    Charis Sfyrakis
    Fully bootstrapped! But raised money from non-equity diluting grants before. Both bootstrapped and raising investor funds have their advantages and disadvantages.
    @charis_algomo , non-equity diluting grants? That's interesting. Would love to hear more about it.
    Kayode Odeleye
    @charis_algomo In my experience this is excellent strategy. Raise non dilutive funding p, achieve traction then consider options down the line
    Aman Patel
    Launching soon!
    @charis_algomo will you be able to share how do you go about finding non-equity diluting grants?
    Mary Rumyantzeva, PhD
    Fully bootstrapped, but we plan to raise funds. Raising funds for us is just an acceleration of the process, not its foundation.
    Johny burg
    Bootstrapped is awesome
    Nick Anisimov
    Bootstrapped first (Product market fit), funded later (scaling).
    John Lim
    @nickanisimov Agree with you. I'm taking a similar approach as well.
    Isao Fukata
    This is a difficult question. I always get lost looking at my financial situation.
    Kayode Odeleye
    We’re bootstrapped. Raised a friends and family round so can’t pay myself as founder. It’s tough but it has its benefits
    Simon Peter Damian
    @kayovin1 what are some of the benefits in your opinion?
    Simon Peter Damian
    @kayovin1 Wouldn't not having funds mean slowet growth? I am of the opinion that funding could mean the possibility of growing fast and entering new markets faster than your comepetions but bootstrapping means slow growth and the risk of losing a huge chunk of the market
    Kayode Odeleye
    @theterminalguy yes Simon The perceived wisdom is that faster is always better. This is a misconception. Bigger is not always better Bootstrapping means slower but more thoughtful growth so startups and businesses tend to be more successful
    Kayode Odeleye
    @theterminalguy major benefit is the ability to grow in a structured, thoughtful manner
    Apollon Latsoudis
    Fully bootstrapped at this point as we want to maintain control on the product and strategy. However I can see funding round taking place down the line to accelerate things in the future. Having said that, both has their uses
    Andreas Møller
    My first startup was bootstrapped, but this one is funded. A product like toddle.dev would be very difficult to bootstrap.
    Simon Peter Damian
    Bootstrapped and I tell you, it ain't easy. Ideally I'd love not to raise funds but at this point, it is inevitable. Hopefully we don't get to do it
    Sagar Patel
    So far I am bootstrapped! I plan on raising funds. Although, I’m hoping I won’t ever need the funding!
    Daniel Gjøde
    Bootstrapped. Want to build the first user base like that. Then maybe secure funding to help scale and improve.