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  • Blockchain Gaming Multiverse: How game developers will be the biggest contributors!

    Mayank Grover
    10 replies
    I believe If game developers are provided with an exclusive supply of multiverse items they can redesign graphically and mechanically to suit their own gaming realms. Enabling them to kickstart the explosion of multiverse


    Alina Ihnatiuk
    Hey! I completely agree with your thought. Blockchain is an opportunity.
    Edward Sturm
    Blockchain is ideal for multiverses
    Abhishek Joshi
    blockchain is going to impact game development industry and its finanical model a lot. Unlike current game scenarios where people who make purchases on game industry don't actually own things but after blockchain making it way in games it will allow players to own the digital assets which they buy in there game,. A blockchain-based game will use smart contracts to govern transactions inside the game which makes the difference. Smart contracts will execute automatically upon fullfillment of conditions coded in them and the result will become irreversible. This will lead to increase in transparency and will also allow more players to collabarate with one another for rarer assets. This will not only create a good gaming environment for players but can also increase there ability to negotiate . Not only that this will incentivizing more purchases by making items transferable across games (more on that below). According to a survey by Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAX), a blockchain platform focused on virtual items, 62% of gamers would be more likely to invest in digital assets if they were transferable between games; 84% of developers would create in-game items for the same reasons. Blockchain can impact gamedevelopment industry in a much better way.
    Manas Gangwani
    Amazing opportunity to unlock creativity here. Users can create their own tournaments as all of them have records of all the other players. Imagine your regional tournaments but on a much larger scale. A whole new business opportunity.
    Malhar Devasthali
    100% agree! blockchain is the simplest way to enable multiverse transactions in the future. Imagine being able to set up game worlds without having to have a proprietary server handling all the security.
    radu birsan
    Can flash games be a part of the Multiverse?
    Diane Hunt
    Živjo, nikoli ne igram blockchain gaming multiverse. Verjamem pa, da imajo razvijalci iger ekskluzivno ponudbo predmetov iz multiverse. Mimogrede, če želite služiti denar, medtem ko sedite doma, potem je https://gamblingorb-si.com/spletna-igralnica/ najboljša stran za vas, tukaj lahko igrate spletno igralnico.
    Alma Houston
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    ahmed ahmed
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    Thomas Lowrens
    I think it will soon be in all areas, as well as gambling. You can check them https://casinoramareview.ca/ out to get started.