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  • Biggest digital marketing hurdle as a startup?

    Narmina Balabayli
    9 replies
    Hello Product Hunters! I've worked in digital marketing for 3 global startups and I know how tough SEO can be, especially for the early stages. I’m trying to understand the common challenges in starting digital marketing. Your experience is really valuable and I’d love to learn from it, here in the discussion. Looking forward to your invaluable thoughts!


    Startups always face difficulty when it comes to recognition, probable the best way to have some brand awareness is social media content.
    Narmina Balabayli
    @swayammi7 Agree with the recognition part, but I don't think social media should be priority for startups (it depends on the product of course). How do justify your statement? What's the strategy for a raising brand awareness on SM? What type of content you think would work best?
    Narmina Balabayli
    @swayammi7 Though it's anonymous research, I'd love to see your insight on the research I'm doing right now. Could you spare a minute to fill this short form? :) https://forms.gle/hP9wGrNGeBDEZDkH7
    Narmina Balabayli
    I'm also doing a brief anonymous research. Could you take a minute to fill out this survey? It’s short, I promise: 9 questions, takes 2 minutes: https://forms.gle/qt7qajWGRpoWE8Jq8
    Corinn Pope
    For me, I have a hard time with social proof. It feels like a bit of a catch 22. I need users to get social proof and I need social proof to get users. Add on top of that I really hate cold outreach and often my products don't align with the things my friends and family are interested in. Most of the time I just land up putting it off, not asking for testimonials, and letting it die on the vine. 😢
    Narmina Balabayli
    @nniroc Exactly! It feels like a never-ending loop. Do you engage in guest blogging, or do you reach out to get your product mentioned in listicles?
    Corinn Pope
    @narminablb I don't. Although I know I should. The problem is there's a lot of things I "should" be doing. Trying to figure out what the actual top things I should be focusing on is the hard part :-)
    Narmina Balabayli
    @nniroc I see. If I ask you to fill this short form and help me with my little research? :) https://forms.gle/hP9wGrNGeBDEZDkH7