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  • Best youtube channels for startups to learn?

    Vasily Malyshev
    4 replies
    What are your favorite youtube channels with detailed guides and info that can help you grow your venture? From legal to marketing, let's create a centralized list for everyones benefit!


    Erkin Bek
    The longer I work on startups, the more I find the Y Combinator channel useful, I have never found anything better or more useful. If you know of something else, I would be happy to see it
    Constantine Stan.
    Check out the Y Combinator channel on youtube if you haven't. Lots and lots of videos about highly useful things ranging form how to get clients to if/when/how to scale. Extremely good channel all around honestly.
    Fabian Maume
    https://www.youtube.com/@MicroConf is really interesting for indie hackers.
    Vasily Malyshev
    This guy also has some good videos for Saas startups: https://www.youtube.com/@TKKader