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  • Best way to manage my TODO's?

    Netanel Benami
    15 replies
    I tried everything. Notion, notes, monday.com, sticky notes, and reminders from Siri. I didn't find a satisfying solution, and I don't know what to look for. Suggestions?


    Garland Coulson (Captain Time)
    Can you tell us more about what the drawbacks of the ones you tried are? What came closest? What was missing? As a time management coach, I work with a LOT of task systems for my clients, so I would probably have some insights for you.
    Garland Coulson (Captain Time)
    @netanel_benami From this and your other comments, I am guessing you want a clean look and the ability to visually create your day. You could have a look at Microsoft Todo which has a nice "Add to My Day" feature you can use to build your day from your existing task list. I work with a slightly different approach: 1. Time Blocking using Google Calendar - first I block off the time for each of my projects in Google Calendar - https://captaintime.com/google-c... 2. Any Task System: Then I work on the highest priority tasks within that time block until the time block is over. Then I move to the next project. Another nice, minimalist task management program is ZenKit ToDo. https://captaintime.com/zenkit-t...
    Netanel Benami
    @captaintime Such a cool profession Garland! Thanks for your comment. First it might be valuable to mention that I am in the marketing field. The main drawbacks in the tools I mentioned is the ability to attach sub-info to tasks or projects, and I think the main reason I couldn't stick to any of those is the visualization of the work I need to do. Means, when I start my day and approach to my task management tool, it is not clear where should I start, or how should I manage the different tasks. I'd love to hear your insights!
    Daniel Shinall
    I use a spreadsheet with the following headers: Type, Component, Priority, Task, Description, Status, Comment1, Comment2, Comment3...(and so on if I have more notes to add) This has been working really well for helping me to keep track of things. Occasionally, however, I'll get started on a new feature, where I'm building fast, and at those times I just write easy to-dos on pen and paper. Some of those may get copied over to my spreadsheet if I don't knock them out quickly.
    Netanel Benami
    @danielshinall Sounds easy! I am glad it works for you. I managed a team in the past, using spreadsheet and one thing that freaks me out - is the difficulty of managing a clean look for it. Somehow, when you copy-paste fields/make changes, it masses up the design, and I guess one of my issues is that the tools I mentioned are just doesn't look "good" enough or require too much work to customize. Thanks for your comment Daniel!!
    Daniel Shinall
    @netanel_benami ah, yes, my spreadsheet is just used by me. If I was working with a team, it likely would be a pain for some people to use and keep up with. But I use different colors to visually separate my three 'Types' (currently just the three) - 'Backend', 'Front End', 'Task'. And different colors to highlight my 'Priority' and 'Status' options. It took just a little bit of time to design, but it's actually been pretty easy to keep up with, and very helpful visually. I understand what you mean about copy/pasting, and that changing the formatting in some places. I've pretty much resolved this issue by just learning one hot-key! Cmnd+Option+V will paste the 'Format only' of a cell. So if I copy paste some text to a new cell, and the colors/fonts are off, I Copy a cell with the correct format, then use the 'Format only' pasting to correct it's styling. It's pretty quick and easy! I'd be happy to send you a copy of my spreadsheet - empty, but with all the fields, colors, and a legend key. Let me know!
    Netanel Benami
    @hi_marizsa I will check it out, thanks Marizsa!
    It really depends on your wishes and goals. I usually use Google Calendar as a task manager together with all meetings I need to follow.
    Netanel Benami
    @serhii_uspenskyi So basically you set a task as a schedule? How do you manage projects that include many sub-tasks?
    @netanel_benami Yeah, this is about my personal-related tasks mostly. If we talk about some project things, I usually use Trello Boards and Hubspot CRM. These tools helps me a lot in managing projects and other tasks.
    Dennis Zax
    If you are a dev who lives in the command line like me :) you should check out CLI-based todo lists such as ultralist. Ever since I have started using it, it has made me much more efficient as there's no reason to even leave the development enviroment to an extenral site or application.
    Netanel Benami
    @deds3t I wish it could be relevant to me! I lost you at the "CLI-based" haha I am in the marketing field and juggling many tasks and projects. Thanks for your comment, Dennis!!
    @deds3t looks interest i will check it out too thank you!
    I recently build otxto because I wanted contextual todos per project. It sounds pretty similar to @danielshinall suggestion based on your comments it sounds like trello with the calendar view plugin might be good to try.