Best way to join a startup on ProductHunt as a CoFounder?

Stoyan Vlahovski
6 replies
I run a successful marketing agency but now I want to dive deep into startups. The goal is to build a startup that works on something innovative and solves a real problem. I have time and financial resources but I don't have a startup idea I'm in love with. I also don't have a CoFounder. My idea is to find a product on ProductHunt that has some sales but not a lot of traction + only 1-2 technical founders running it. Then we could work together with them on a mini-project and at some point, I can join as a CoFounder. Question: Should I just check the new launches every day and reach out to the teams I like? Or is there a better way to go about it (since some products already have big enough teams)? I'm mainly looking for solo technical founders who need help with marketing, business, etc.


Christian Canlubo 🚀
Hey Stoyan, please check my bg and have a look at If you're interested, let's get in touch!🍻
Yami Sun
Launching soon!
I think you'd better check Y-Combinator co-founder matching platform. We're launching "Cascad3 - A decentralized inspiration-driven publishing platform" on Product Hunt soon. Let's collaborate! I would appreciate your support and feedback by clicking the "Notify Me" button to stay tuned and be the first to know when Cascad3 debuts on the stage.👇 Thank you! Best regards, Yami
Jake Tital
Following. Interested in seeing where this thread goes
Jeremy Kaur
Joining a startup as a CoFounder on ProductHunt requires a keen eye for innovative products and a proactive approach in networking with creators. Offer your unique skills and vision to complement the startup's needs, making it a mutually beneficial partnership.
Sophia Williams
Joining a startup as a co-founder on ProductHunt requires a proactive approach: start by engaging meaningfully with projects you're passionate about and showcase your unique skills and value proposition. Building genuine connections and demonstrating your expertise can make you an attractive co-founder candidate to the right team.