Best Product Hunt Launch Tips

Olena Bomko
15 replies
No hacks. Just hard work. 1. No tips will save you if you don't have a good product, clear website, and simple onboarding. 2. You can't ask for upvotes, mass message users, or DM strangers on messengers (WhatsUp, Telegram). The PH team removes fake upvotes, and you might get disqualified completely 3. Prepare all PH assets for your launch 4. Be active on PH. 5. Create your Coming Soon page. 6. Be active on social media. Post about your PH launch. 7. Connect with people from PH on LinkedIn/Twitter. 8. Clean your launch day and the day after that. 9. Check your website, analytics, and the onboarding process. 10. Check your welcome email sequence. 11. Engage in real-time. 12. Make sure you can reach out to people who can support your product throughout the 24-hour launch day. 13. DM supporters on your launch day with a reminder. 14. Join relevant groups and chats. Support people there. 15. Track your progress with tools like or Product Wars 2 16. Prepare social media posts, announcements for communities, emails. 17. If you have a team, assign responsibilities. 18. If you have investors/current customers or work with influencers, send them a reminder before and on your launch day 19. Ask happy users and customers about reviews. 20. Analyze your results, share updates, and say Thank you Who needs my checklist in Notion?


Simon Ooley
Id love it. Thank you
Olena Bomko
@simon_veles My pleasure :) I have a free checklist in Notion. Or a paid playbook with all the templates and groups to share your launch.
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Came for the "secret sauces", stayed for the great tips, great post, @olenabomko !
Great sharing, a great experience and I love the tool of & Product Wars 2. I would love to have your checklist in Notion as well. Additionally, one item that can be added be active on the PH communities in Linkedin. Community supports each other on every platform.
Olena Bomko
@parilti_erkan It's #14 about groups. You can get a free checklist here:
Sure thing! First and foremost, don't wait for the product to be ready, a product will never be ready.
Jose Rodríguez
thank you. really useful
Hmm, I've seen quite a few launches with "fake upvotes".
Kate Ramakaieva
agree with all the points! also some actual advise - keep an eye on being featured in time
Noah Wittman
This is great! Thank you @olenabomko
Olena Bomko
@noah831 My pleasure :) I have a free checklist in Notion. Or a paid playbook with all the templates and groups to share your launch.
Noah Wittman
@olenabomko is this the free checklist? "Product Hunt Launch Tips"
Fabian Maume
And if you get good results from your launch, you have the option to relaunch after 6 months.