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  • Best Marketing strategy for launching? Is Twitter the way?

    Catalina Sabogal Ortiz
    6 replies
    Hello there! 😊 We're AirCal, an AI-powered time management tool that's all about making a digital calendar that doesn't suck! πŸ’»β° We're getting ready to launch soon and we're focusing on building our marketing strategy through Twitter and LinkedIn. However, we're not quite sure where to start. We've been creating tweets that are getting some visibility, but we're looking for more effective practices that have worked for others. (Of course, we know the basics like "identify your target market" already.) πŸ€” Could you please provide us with some tips and advice to help us get started? Thank you so much! πŸ™ https://twitter.com/AirCalHQ


    The other platform you could consider is Reddit - target questions that your product answers
    Nichlas Westerby
    Hi Catalina, It’s a good question and it can be quite tough getting seen out there. Here’s what I think you should do: 1. Create content and pay to get it promoted. 2. Identify profiles that talk a lot about productivity apps etc, and with lots of followers. Whenever a competitor is mentioned, or if someone asks about a calendar app you slip in and make yourself noticed. Some of these profiles have newsletters. Reach out to them via DM and suggest a mention. By the way - I am warned when trying to visit your Twitter profile. Something to with suspicious activity.
    Catalina Sabogal Ortiz
    @nichlas_westerby oh! this is awesome! thank you so much! https://twitter.com/AirCalHQ Fixed it! (got blocked for following people... no wonder I need a community to ask for guidance haha)
    Rishabh R
    I'm sure that you have identified your ideal audience for your product. I have been doing personal branding on LinkedIn for some time now, so I will share how you can build your brand there. - Start a business page, and post there once in a while - Now, create a LinkedIn account for the founder Now here is the secret way that most people build a brand there - Understand that there are two types of people, consumers, and engager - When starting, this should be your ratio of 90% engagement and 10% consumer -Find people commenting and liking posts of the top influencers, creators, founders, etc., in your niche. - Send them a personalized invite, don't be salesy, praise some of their recent posts, and then say I would like to learn from you. - When they accept the invitation, start engaging with their post, and make sure you put some valuable comments, not "great share." -So first start with 50 people, comment on them for at least ten days straight -Start posting parallelly, now these people will start commenting on your post (because of reciprocity law, when you engage, they engage back) - after getting around 500 followers, no start engaging with people in your ideal target audience - slowly, you will build your brand there. - Engaging is essential on LinkedIn, and posting valuable comments will help you gain more followers. - Make sure that you only accept/send connections to active users until you have 1000 followers - Because no matter how good your post is, if you don't have any engagement, the algorithm will stop showing your content to anyone