Best day to launch a product?

60 replies
Based on the common discussions I've come across


Chalie Clark
Choosing the best day to launch a product depends on your specific industry, target audience, and regional considerations. However, based on common discussions, Wednesday and Thursday are often considered favorable for product launches as they fall midweek when people are typically engaged and attentive. Saturday may also be viable, especially for consumer-focused products when people have more leisure time. Ultimately, it's essential to analyze your target audience's behavior and preferences to determine the most effective day for your product launch.
Karthik Tatikonda
It depends on your launch goals and size of your audience. If your goal is to get the badge and you have a less audience, it is better to launch on weekends. But if you goal is to get traffic and you have bigger audience, you can launch on Wednesday, and Thursday.
@karthik_tatikonda What about Tuesday? This also gives more chance to become top products of the week!
@karthik_tatikonda @bahar_ozkan Bahar, high traffic, high competition. If you are up for the competition then go for it. 👊
Karthik Tatikonda
The competition is higher than weekends and a bit less than Wednesday and Thursday. So, if you have decent number of audiences, you can launch on Tuesdays.
@karthik_tatikonda @bahar_ozkan I think it's great for Tuesdays, too.
Matt Durack
@karthik_tatikonda glad to hear it 😅 launching tomorrow and thought I was going to read ‘whatever you do don’t launch on Tuesdays!’
Winston Zin
I've been told by a number of sources that it's Tuesday-Thursday as people have settled in the work week and will pay more attention if you wish to drive eye-balls. However, other days there is less competition so that you are more likely to rank higher if you are shooting for social clout.
Launching soon!
It depends on the campaign goals
Aishwarya Hiwrale
When deciding on the best day to launch your product on Product Hunt, think about the people you want to reach. If your product is meant for businesses and professionals, it makes sense to launch it on a regular workday when these individuals are actively searching for new tools or solutions. On the other hand, if your product is geared towards consumers, you might want to pick a day when your potential users are more likely to be casually browsing Product Hunt.
@aishwarya_hiwrale Absolutely, fully make sense and i agree with your insights.
Adarsh Kumar
I think i launched on the wrong day.
Amelia Charlie
The best day to launch is Thursday
Launching a product can be a crucial decision. Well it is good to know about Thursday & Wednesday
I would always want to compete with the high traffic and high competition. ( :
Sarah Playford
There's no universal "best" day to launch a product; it depends on your target audience and industry. Consider weekdays for B2B, and weekdays or weekends for B2C, avoiding major holidays or industry-specific busy periods. Test and analyze to find the optimal day for your audience.
Really Good question!
Josee Frank
I think mid week is the best
Olena Bomko
Depends on your goals. - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the most competitive. It's difficult to earn top positions. But you can get a lot of traffic. Product Hunters are more active these days. If you already have happy customers/big audience (who are ready to support)/you are prepared, choose these days. - Monday and Friday are less competitive. But you'll get less traffic (and potential customers). - People are less active on PH on weekends.
Morgan Kung
Based on my experience of launching so many times, there is no such thing as the best launch date. Just launch it when you and your app ready.
It really depends on your product and target audience. For me, it's all about understanding when my audience is most engaged and receptive.
Tuesday :) You can follow the upcoming launches from hunted space and make some analysis accordingly
Launching soon!
@parilti_erkan I see. What all did you see when launching a product?
Yogita Gholap
Thursday is a great day and I have come up with my logical explanation. :) Almost 80% of folks are chilling on Saturdays and Sundays, and nobody wants to deal with work drama on Fridays. But we gotta wrap up the week, right? That too conclusive and productive. So, Thursday is the sweet spot to figure out what we need. Plus, launching a product on Thursday, it's like hitting the jackpot – more people show up, and there's a buzz in the air because it messes with people's minds in a good way.