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  • Besides launching your product, what are the reasons to be on PH?

    Swapnil D Puranik
    17 replies
    I am here to lay the ground work for any of my future launches - I hate the empty nest problem.


    Babatunde Pelumi
    Definitely contributing to other products and engaging in innovative talks, by the way we're launching soon, a pretty cool product that automates customer research data in a way you haven't experienced! :)........Join the waitlist by hitting the notify button from the link https://www.producthunt.com/prod..., thanks!
    Chetan Natesh
    I think discussions on the latest developments are quite good here. Simply because of the participants. People who are working in the industry, people trying to get into the industry etc
    Swapnil D Puranik
    @chetan_natesh Agreed. However, I sometimes feel the algorithm is more biased towards Makers when it comes to discussions. But, yes the overall quality of discussions is better than most other platforms.
    Piotr Pawłowski
    Community! Everyone is very friendly, helpful and has a huge knowledge that is willing to share.
    Ágh Helmut
    For me: Networking, connecting with new like-minded people, and following the latest industry trends.
    Swapnil D Puranik
    @aghhelmut true. did any interactions on PH translate to meaningful off-line conversations?
    Stephanie Beugras
    Networking and sharing with the community.
    Anoir Houmou
    The community! Everyone is happy to help you, contribute to discussions and support your project, it's great
    Kulsoom Awan
    Community, networking, building relations!
    Karthik Tatikonda
    I would day feedback. You will get a lot of suggestions on how to improve your product. Also, you can validate your product.
    Chaimae Sakhi
    I'd say learning throughout all the interesting discussions
    Swapnil D Puranik
    @chaimae_sakhi1 Yep! There are lot of great folks here who are more than happy sharing their learning and insights with everyone.