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  • Be honest! Do you work on the weekends?

    Gizem Nur Keskin
    57 replies
    Even though I am aware of the importance of the work-life balance, I sometimes find myself working on the weekends as well. Do you do it too or is it just me?


    Gökçen Öğütçü
    I don't do work stuff on the weekends; however, I do work on pet projects, which I believe is very helpful for personal development.
    Gökçen Öğütçü
    @software_guy Let me give some background info first: I'm a seasoned backend developer, I've tried frontend technologies and loved them! But didn't have the chance to work with them professionally as my career advanced on a different path. My 8-years old son has trouble tracking his daily routines, I built him a task tracker, which he gains points by checking off tasks. He wins badges with those points and so forth. I've built this with Dgraph (as backend), React, and Tailwind and learned many things: Discovered Dgraph, for one thing, it's amazing (already using Hasura, and found it to be a much simpler and a better fit for certain projects) and learned the basics of React and Tailwind. Since it's almost done now, I'm exploring ways for integrating BeforeSunset (soon to be launched on PH) with Slack.
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    Everybody does...at least a little... I don't believe people who say otherwise...I'm being honest.. :-)
    Xu Geng
    Yes, I always work during the weekends.
    Xu Geng
    @gizemnurkeskin I mean usually, I spend half days for work. It depends on work load, maybe 1 full day. Rest of time, you can take a rest or stay with family.
    Xu Geng
    @gizemnurkeskin I used to work in startup which is pretty busy. We have to work harder to compete with others.
    Gizem Nur Keskin
    @xgeng666 I know the struggle but wouldn't you say the startup world is really exciting?! I am in the same shoes right now!
    Xu Geng
    @gizemnurkeskin Yes, I really enjoyed the startup working environment and pace. Think about that you have a chance to build something new from scratch based on your experience. If you work in a big company, you many only focus on very small spot. I prefer the startup. Don't think about it's struggle, think about it's a chance to build something new, to improve yourself. I used to work in Zoom as an earlier employee, right now it's Visla. Love this.
    Daniel Burns
    It happens, as much as I'd love to spend more time with family at the weekends when something pops up I need to take care of it at the moment and can't wait till the next working day. I like to keep busy, to be honest.
    Daniyar Yeskaliyev
    Yes, but only when I feel interested in the task or aspired by the potential outcome of this work.
    Daniyar Yeskaliyev
    My friend @imanmoaz seems to be working on the weekends, but it's pretty normal for founders I guess
    Iman Moazzen
    @dan_yes lol! I think work-life balance for founders (at least first-time founder who don't have much cash to hire a big team) doesn't make sense! If you really want to have that, it is better not to start a company and get a 9-5 job (just my personal opinion).
    Gizem Nur Keskin
    @dan_yes @imanmoaz that’s the founders’ faith! You have to work hard to reach your goals. At least, for some time!
    Arthur Kay
    I try to limit how much I work on the weekends, but sometimes you have to make hay when the sun shines. I’d say I average at least 4 hours a weekend, but sometimes it’s all work and sometimes it’s none
    Elizabeth Obee
    100% - I do! But it’s a key part of my work-life balance. It allows me flexibility through the work week to be present for activities and drop offs / pick ups for my children. Juggling work plus 3 small boys means some weekend work is a great trade off for late starts / early finishes during the week 👍
    Fabian Maume
    I do work on weekends. I don't think it is an issue for work-life balance. What you do on the weekend won't have to be done during the week, so if the weather is terrible for the weekend better cut your loses by working.
    Kartal Erkoc
    Some Sunday afternoons I do. Not to work on an active task, but to research about an upcoming feature 👨🏻‍💻
    Cagdas Demirel | Tw: @paretopreneur
    I don't I even took one step further and experimented with working less (yet much more productive) hours each day of the week and I feel much better, my output has gotten better and my overall ideas have been more creative while feeling less stressed etc. Check out the Huberman Protocol if this interests you 🔝 But I've achieved this also through delegating repetitive tasks, eliminating things etc. and by optimizing for wellbeing & health over fast results Currently what I am struggling with the most is getting people who I work with to respect not contacting me via "personal" paths like Whatsapp etc. outside working hours. Does anyone have a good & easy solution to that?
    Gizem Nur Keskin
    @cagdas_ken_demirel Delegating is something I struggle with a lot actually! I like having responsibilities even though I may need 48 hours a day to complete them! It has been proven by so many studies that working less actually means working more, producing more quality work. So, maybe we should all try the 4-day work week trend!! Maybe you should clearly and directly point out that you don't want to be connected on the weekends. If that doesn't get people understand your intention, I don't know what will.
    Maxime Néau
    Yes but few hours. When "work" is your purpose or mission then it is much easier and even funnier than if you need to work for making a living during the weekend.
    Launching soon!
    At the beginning of my startup, I used to work aggressively on weekends too, but soon I realized that I was just burning myself out. Today, I don't open the system on the weekend unless it is really of that much importance.
    Gizem Nur Keskin
    @qudsia_ali Did someone say work-life balance?? Great for you!!!
    Think about what I need to do - yes, pretty much throughout the weekend. Do I actually do it? Well, I feel like I stress about it more than actually take action.
    Michael Kyle
    I did once when I was salaried :) Whether you want to learn about personal finance or trade Stocks, Currencies, Commodities, and Indices our guides will help you.
    Tori Lazar
    Most weekends, I try to be completely offline - even from social media. However, there are stretches of time when prepping for big initiatives where I find it actually helps my work/life balance throughout the work week to take care of busy work/ ops on Sundays. But Saturdays are always 100% off-limits for me when it comes to working.
    Jasper Ruijs
    I try to rest on the weekend. A lot of the work comes from not working because our minds can make unique subconscious connections when we aren't focused. But somedays, I work a bit on Saturday, but never at 100%,