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  • At what point in your business journey, do you think about building a community?

    91 replies
    They can steal your features; but they can't steal your community. Having spent over a decade building online communities; I can tell you - nothing really beats the RoI from community. I strongly feel every business should build a community around their business and have a platform where their users can freely talk, exchange ideas and offer feedback. I wish to know - at what point in your business journey do you think about building a community?


    Emma Jon
    Receive SMS Online
    Receive SMS Online
    Don't force it, a forced community feels inauthentic and can backfire.
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    I used to think about features/code first. Now I think about distribution aka community first. Lesson learned the hard way :(
    @jgani - Yep, I think most of us have learned it the hard way. How are you approaching community building for your business?
    @jgani - that's interesting. Any thoughts on building a community on your own platform?
    Umair Zubair
    Early Stage Vision: From the outset, consider how your business could benefit from a community. Even in the early stages, envisioning the type of community you want to build and its potential role in your business can shape your strategies and decisions.
    @umair_zubair1 - Interesting. I firmly believe that community building should start even before you build your product or service. What do you think is the biggest obstacle in starting a community at early stage of your business?
    William Davis
    Product Development: As you develop your product or service, think about the user experience and how a community could enhance it. Seeking feedback from potential users or customers can aid in understanding their needs and desires, laying the foundation for community-building efforts.
    @william_davis16 - I've spoken with a few product developers. It's hard to convince people to join your community when you are very early in the product development. What do you think is the best way to handle this problem?
    @zackary_mendez - Wow, that's even better. Do you recommend setting up a community platform or building it on existing social networks like FB or Twitter?
    @samber_samsa - I agree. Do you think it's better to host your community on your own domain or build it on a social platform? My opinion is that you need to own your community and not be bounded by the rules and policies of social media platforms. Would love to know your thoughts.
    Sandhana Arkish
    Brand Building: A community can significantly contribute to your brand's strength and recognition. Invest in building a community that aligns with your brand values, fostering a positive reputation and increasing brand loyalty among customers.
    @sandhana_arkish - That's totally true and I've experienced the benefits of community building. One common problem is that it's difficult to get first few users to your community. How do you solve that problem for your business?
    @sandra_addison - Indeed; continuous user feedback is the backbone of successful product building. Do you have an existing community? Would love to know how are you approaching community building for your business/brand.
    Sansa Grey
    Long-Term Sustainability: Building a community is a long-term investment. Continuously nurture and grow it by providing value, fostering meaningful interactions, and empowering members. As your business evolves, so should your community strategy to ensure it remains relevant and supportive.
    @sansa_grey - Very valid and interesting point. Yes, community is a long-term investment. However, it's difficult to build a successful community because the RoI isn't immediate. Are you actively building a community? What are the top challenges you are facing in building your community?
    Markk Tong
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    Building a community around a business is indeed a powerful way to connect with users and create a loyal following. In my experience, I believe that thinking about building a community should start from the very beginning of the business journey. It's essential to consider how to engage and connect with users right from the early stages, as this can have a significant impact on the long-term success of the business. By creating a platform for users to freely communicate, share ideas, and provide feedback, businesses can foster a sense of belonging and ownership among their users. This not only enhances the overall user experience but also provides invaluable insights for product improvement and innovation. I'd love to hear more about your experiences and thoughts on building communities around businesses. It's always inspiring to learn from others who have dedicated themselves to this important aspect of business growth. Looking forward to exchanging more ideas with you!
    @markk0217 - I agree 100%. How did you select the platform for your business? Would love to know the thought process that went into picking up the platform for your business.
    Remember, community is more than just numbers, it's about genuine connections and shared values.
    @amy_g_debnam - I agree. Do you think the choice of platform is important in building a community where people feel connected and have a sense of purpose and shared values?
    Rick Fan
    Sider for iOS 2.0
    Yes, we should build a community. Different types of products will lead to different kinds of communities, and there will be differences between solo development and team collaboration. Generally speaking, in the early stages of a product, the focus should be on the product itself and the community should mainly collect feedback. Once the user base reaches a certain scale, we can appropriately increase user engagement activities.
    @rick_fan - That's an interesting take. I like having a razor sharp focus on building product and building a community to collect feedback. How are you building a community for your brand; and how do you motivate users to provide feedback? Is there any special tool you are using to build your community?
    Rick Fan
    Sider for iOS 2.0
    @thebigk I'm more inclined towards social platforms like Reddit, Discord, or Twitter, as they can help garner more attention. To motivate users to provide feedback, the most important thing is to offer immediate responses and serve them with an honest and positive attitude, making them feel valued and helping them realize that their feedback is effective for the product.
    @rick_fan - I'm working on a community platform that combines multiple user engagement tools like: discussions, feedback, changelog, blog, events on one platform. Do you think it's something you might want to consider for community building? Let me know.
    @rick_fan - thank you for replying. The tool is more like twitter + reddit + userVoice [+ blog, events, changelog etc.] combined under one roof but for your own domain and users. You can white-label it as well. It can be used to offer support for your product and facilitate discussions around your niche. Plus, it naturally builds on strong SEO foundation; and you own the experience you wish to offer to users. Can we connect over LinkedIn or Twitter? I can show it to you and get some feedback.
    Aryan Kohli
    It's a continuous journey, keep evolving and adapting your community to ensure its long-term success.
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    gcui-art/suno-api:Open-source SunoAI API
    Launching soon!
    Of course. So where should we build?
    @blueeon - There are several tools available to build a community. I generally recommend building a community open to public. I'm not a big fan of building a community on slack or discord.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    From the very beginning. Sooner you start, then better. :-)
    @busmark_w_nika - I agree. How are you building your community, Nika? Is there any specialised tool you are using?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @thebigk Do you mean specific for automation? At this point, not. I have a content calendar in Notion, build my newsletter list via Mailchimp and Excel (Yes, I am oldschool/oldscool) :D haha, if you want, you can subscribe too: https://forms.gle/NygwpvKN2mFRiTZY8
    @busmark_w_nika - I've been building communities for over a decade. I'm trying to find out how business owners are approaching community building and what tools they are using. I am building a community operating system and want to help build thriving communities from scratch. Newsletter is an excellent start, Nika. Let's connect and discuss a few ways you can grow your community? Feel free to DM me.
    Christin Koehler
    Don't be afraid to say no, protect your community from negativity and toxicity.
    Claudia Lyons
    Start small and focus on quality, nurture genuine connections over chasing numbers.
    Cameron Scully
    If i had a saas product, id try build a community from the development process, so that my ideal buyer persona has a part in the process during the beta stage.. Like Figma's growth strategy. So upon launch you have already created tons of word of mouth from your beta testers who are eager to try the product The cool thing about my project is that it brings in community from the start, as i curate real world B2B marketing examples and case studies from successful founders who in return shares it with their audience, so the founder becomes part of my community and a % of their following
    @cameronscully_ - would love to look at your community. Is it available to public?
    David strc
    Regularly evaluate and adapt, your community's needs will change over time.
    @david_strc - Yes. Community evolves and users's expectations keep changing. A community needs to be dynamic to adopt to changing user demands.
    Den Taylor
    Use a variety of tools and platforms to reach your community where they are.
    @den_taylor - Do you have any recommendations for community tools?