At what point did you make the call to hire someone to focus on user support and community growth?

Brenna Donoghue
3 replies
We seem to be hitting that point where we're investing a lot of time across our team on customer support. I love staying close to it, but also recognize it's eating more and more of my time. Any tips for deciding when to bring someone in to pitch in?


Well, this depends on the business you're backing with the community. (if there is) For instance, if you have a study-abroad portal and your community is at the stage where 50% of the doubts and questions about your services are discussed by peers only, then it is time to scale it up as your support load is being reduced and it is getting your users closer to make a purchase. This differs from business to business. If the community is not a business-backed community, then whenever you feel like the engagement is good on any public platform like Discord or Slack, you might want to give a premium and exclusive experience to your members.
Brenna Donoghue
@sanskarix Love this POV. Thanks. Our Discord is where a lot of the magic happens as the community is amazing at supporting one another. But it's still a place where we invest time to engage in conversations and feedback... and doing it well is proving to take a lot of time!