As we launch tomorrow, what’s one piece of advice you’d give for making our launch a success?
Oyinkansola Robiat
9 replies
Benson Gao@bensongao
Wishing you all the best, make sure all marketing channels are ready
@bensongao thank you so much, pls do well to support Seamailer, we are live now, here’s the link :
Congratulations on reaching this milestone! I hope your product achieves great success. One piece of advice from my end would be to make sure you engage with the Product Hunt community by actively responding to comments and feedback.
@shiva_tejasvi thank you so much, pls do well to support Seamailer, we are live now, here’s the link :
@shiva_tejasvi thank you so much, pls support Seamailer by upvoting and commenting:
Congrats on the launch! 🚀 My top tip would be to really engage with the PH community. Be super responsive to comments and questions. Consider doing an AMA or sharing some behind-the-scenes content to drive engagement and buzz. The PH algo tends to favor products that foster discussion. Wishing you a meteoric rise to #1! 🙌
Use social media to build buzz and anticipation before launch day! Post teasers, behind-the-scenes content, and countdowns to get people excited. And don't forget to prep your site to handle the traffic spike... nothing kills momentum like a crash 😬 Good luck tomorrow! 🚀
Collect feedback from day one. Listen to your first users and iterate quickly they'll help you improve and grow.
Test everything one more time. A smooth experience on day one builds trust and avoids unnecessary frustration.