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  • As a product manager, what do you use ChatGPT for?

    6 replies
    Share your ideas and text prompts templates, let's use this discussion as a hub!


    Baran Gürcan
    Daily training program =)
    Khach Martirosyan
    I mainly use it to organize my thoughts, create detailed tasks and prioritize ideas. It has become my go-to PM assistant. Sometimes it also helps with minor code writing or creating queries so that I don't need to reach out to devs every time.
    Steve Daniels
    @khach I use it for exactly this! its such a time saver and can greatly improve my ability to conduct discovery without taking up a developers time.
    Khach Martirosyan
    @steve_daniels2 Indeed. It's not always productive to buzz different people for minor tasks. That's when ChatGPT shines, especially with Plus.
    Daniel Do
    Optimized Toolbox
    Optimized Toolbox
    Using it to help me with market research - listing down the user persona's needs, information about the industry, etc. I don't think it's too accurate but is a good start when you're just trying to figure things out :)