As a founder or startup operator, have you worked with a business or leadership coach?

4 replies
What was your experience like? Context: we are a coaching technology company, and I'm keen to hear people's experience with, and thoughts on, coaching.


Michael Cho
I did, for about 3 months. Unfortunately I didn't find it particularly useful. Most of the conversations were too generalized discussions and a bit cliche. However I did like having an hour to reflect on issues every week.
@michael_cho1 thanks for sharing! If you were to work with a coach again, what would you change?
Roberto G贸mez -
Yes! And for me it wasn't very useful as it's difficult to help without having been there, although I must say that creating the space to discuss some things was.
@roberjet thanks for sharing! If you were to work with a coach again, what would you change?