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  • Art of making incredible offers that make your prospects feel dumb for saying "No"

    Edvinas Bernatavičius
    0 replies
    Do you think your offer is attractive? The solution to this question should be your top priority. All of your marketing and design efforts aimed at increasing your conversion rate will be for nothing if the product or service you're offering has no appeal to your target audience. As a result of the overflow of products and services available, it is challenging to provide anything truly outstanding in today's market. To that end, consider what sets your offer apart from the rest. Make sure to highlight the unique selling points of your product or service and the advantages it provides to buyers right from the start. In other words, you need to prove your worth. Do you want your value offer to be compelling and successful in the marketplace? In other words, make it plain to see. If you want to know if your landing page is effective, get someone to test it. A landing page isn't effective if visitors can't describe, in a few words, what they'll get out of it. Take care to include these points in your value proposition: -> What it is that your product or service does -> Just who your target customer is and what you have to offer -> How does yours differentiate from the competition? What you tell the customer is going to have a significant impact on how many sales you make.
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