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  • Are you seeing a dip in the #buildinpublic movement?

    Colin Mathews
    8 replies
    I was talking with some people the other day about my build-in-public journey and they mentioned that they've noticed a drop in people doing the build-in-public thing with their startups. They specifically were talking about podcasting, so maybe it's only happening there? Or not at all - maybe just an algorithm thing? I personally haven't noticed a drop in interest, but I'm curious what others are noticing.


    Sven Radavics
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    Definitely seeing a dip on my twitter feed.
    Colin Mathews
    @sven_radavics I wonder if the medium of sharing has something to do with it. Twitter is really nice for bite-sized chunks and updates, but (at least for me) it's hard to feel the chronological nature of someone's journey.
    Sven Radavics
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    @colinmathews I can't say I know why. But when it was a thing on twitter it was big and the bite-sizes chunks didn't seem to be a hinderance. There have been a bunch of cases of imitators lately and I know some founders felt betrayed. If you have raised a bunch of money it's hard to execute fast enough to stay ahead of someone that has stolen your idea wholesale. I'm not saying that's it either, but I know it has affected some.
    Yeah I think there has been a dip - I also saw that a few of them had been targeted by attacks. Not sure if the two are related.
    Colin Mathews
    @maxwellcdavis yeah, sad to see that. 😔
    Jan G.
    My network isn't very broad yet, but I don't think I've noticed a dip. I find the community as inspiring as ever!
    Colin Mathews
    @janthesaasguy Good to hear! As a solo maker, I honestly don't know if I'd do it any other way now. It's been a lot of work but so surprisingly beneficial to me.