Are you offering sign-in with other accounts (google, microsoft, etc.) to your SaaS solution?

Jannik Andersen
12 replies
Which ones are you supporting? Has it had any positive impact on customer onboarding / growth that you enabled offering this as part of onboarding your SaaS solution? Please comment if you have some good learnings, and dos/donts on this topic. Thanks


Sean Ward
Google is a non-negotiable. And if it is a mobile app, sign in with Apple is also a non-negotiable imo. You want to make it as EASY AS POSSIBLE to get someone to initiate sign ups to give you their email. Not including those options is like have newsletter sign up page with the email sign-up field in the footer of the page. Gotta make it dummy easy for people to progress through your product/ecosystem.
Brian Hurst
We aren't for mDash, our AI-powered project management tool built specifically for web development, as of right now while we're in our beta (which is actually opening tomorrow!), but it's absolutely something we may consider in the future.
Vincent Delitz
anyone who has considered to offer passkey login as well?
Jannik Andersen
@vdelitz that one is new to me, but will check it out. Are you using it and what are the benefits of this one compared to the others?
Vincent Delitz
@jannikandersen indeed, actually working on product around it at Corbado. It basically allows you to use Touch ID / Face ID (equivalent on Windows and Android) to login/sign-up which makes it pretty convenient for the user. Plus, it's 2FA by default.
Jannik Andersen
@vdelitz sounds pretty nice. Can you post a link to what framework/tool we need to use for this? Maybe there is multiple solutions, but when I google passkey I get a lot of different hits. Hope you can direct me in the rigth direction? Thanks
Jannik Andersen
@vdelitz ah I just realised that this is actually what you do in Corbado😂 Looks interesting, will check it out. Once again, thanks for your input👍
Vincent Delitz
@jannikandersen sure actually, we at Corbado provide solutions to add passkeys to your tool. What framework are you using?